The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Fine Gael are a shower of self loathing, subservient, cap doffing cunts. For whatever reason they bow down to what they see as their betters. The likes of Bruton mouthing off about the 1916 Rising, Fitzgerald cosying up to Thatcher, Kenny and Noonan bending over for everyone while screwing their own people. Fianna Fail were bad but this shower are worse.


There was an FG TD on the radio last night and when it was put to him that FG would not agree with this he said “absolutely”. You’d swear we owed Apple €13bn he answered with such vigour.

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Multinationals are the new protestant ascendancy.


Limerick is where tis at . Fuck pricy and brash Dublin , fuck cork with second city syndrome , and Galway with nothing but lazy hippies .

God bless you Minister Noonan

Boomin noonan

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Another miracle!

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Businesses rise and fall. Job losses are inevitable, it can’t always be summer for all businesses everywhere. Hopefully they get a nice big payoff and won’t be out of work for long and thanks to Mr. Noonans hard work there are plenty jobs out there for them to choose from.


I’m sure that will be a tremendous comfort to the people losing their jobs today.

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Changes in the printer industry are hardly the Kaiser’s fault. At least there are jobs available in the area which will be of some comfort to the employees. Imagine if this happened 7 or 8 years ago when the Failures were running the country into the ground.:fearful:

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Tell us your plan for preventing all jobs losses, everywhere, forever?

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Did you mean to send that to Noonan?

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They are entering a job market with almost full employment. Thanks to the Kaiser.

Will be hard for people and tough on local community but it is not the first factory on that site to close.

I expect some people will get jobs in Intel up the road.

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I’m sure that will be a tremendous comfort to the people losing their jobs today.

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What has he done specifically that has facilitated this?

Remember what it was like when he took power. Look at the economy now. The Kaiser steered us off the rocks. Sinn Finn advocated a default Greece style. That ended up well.

The Kaiser presided over that success and massive economic growth.

Concern now is that a weak minority government starts to cave to PS pay claims and we end up back in a 2007 position where even before banking crisis public finances were unsustainable.

What has he done specifically that has facilitated this?

Read his budgets.
