The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

What??? In the face of low cost competition and a high cost manufacturing base here for a commoditising product what do you suggest Noonan (or any politician) could have done?

He done nothing pal. He was too busy batting for Apple and vulture funds to worry about 500 people being thrown on the dole.

The Kaiser followed the fianna fail blueprint he inherited. He did fuck all except abdicate all responsibility for nama when the started acting the cunt.

That’s not an answer - it’s a whine.

Again, what would you suggest he do?


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It would be like Conte resigning now.


This is a guy who said vultures were good for the economy by drawing an analogy between actual vultures maintaining the ecosystem. The reality though is they were feasting on our carcass while we were on life support. Meanwhile scores of his constituents are being served with eviction orders due to the idiocy of panic selling properties at depressed values with the tax payer refinancing the banks for the difference. I hope people remember this in next general election.

Go to market today with it and see if you get 1.322bn sterling

Valuation was supported by KPMG, Eastdil, C and W and Lazard.

Execution risk was huge.

He ok’d the sell of state assets below their market value, he defrauded the state.

A man happy to fight a dying woman who was looking for damages while happy to fight on behalf of a US Corporation who avoided paying 13bn in taxes. What a statesman.


What market value. Valuation is supported by 4 independent valuations. Post Brexit it looks a great deal.

State offered to settle that case. Her lawyers advised her to continue to seek punitive damages. State cannot settle on any terms as it creates a precedent. At a human level it is awful but there is unfortunately a bigger picture in all of of these things.

Not fighting Apple case. It is a land grab by EU. The commission decision itself says Ireland is not due this tax.

More bullshit from you. This is what EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told the Oireachtas Finance Committee last week.

“My guess is the large, large majority of the unpaid taxes would be due in Ireland,”

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C&AG have said NAMA sold assets below market value. Remember this is NAMA who stated that they were only answerable to the C&AG. Yet when C&AG did question them they got all pissy and said C&AG didn’t know what they’re talking about.

These “independent” valuations were not independent. The word from leeches like KPMG should be taken with a pinch of salt, they’ll tell you want to hear if you pay them enough. They have their nose in the trough too.

EU ruling is not a land grab. Ireland fixed the rules to try and help Apple avoid paying tax, unfortunately it broke EU rules which supersedes Ireland, Noonan was long enough telling us we had to do what EU told us, why the change of heart?


Mary Mitchell-O’Connor was asked about the HP closure and she said it was a sign of times unfortunately. People have moved away from what they see as dated , mass produced, products and are moving towards organic and aritsan sauces.


it took me a while mate but very good

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A clue

Jesus that is definitive. My guess.

It’s completely at odds with what you said earlier.

“The commission decision itself says Ireland is not due this tax.” is what you claimed, the commissioner has clamped you big style there.

You don’t have a clue pal.

Read the decision. Look at paragraph 67 and paragraph 68.

You believe any oul shite that the FG press office churn out to you.

So far today you reckon it’s no problem for the 500 people that lost their jobs today, that we are getting a great deal from all the properties sold in Noonan’s NAMA fire sale to the vulture funds and that we are not due a cent from the tax the EU has told Apple to pay us.

Nobody could be this fucking thick. But then again when you’re not on here moaning about the amount of income tax that is being squeezed out of you, you are lionising the minister that is ripping the piss out of you.


The FG press office?

You are deflecting pal.

Read the decision. I have even told you the paragraph numbers.

Look at reaction from US the day of the decision. A land grab by EU for tax that belongs to US once it comes back onshore.

Come back to me on C&AG expertise to value the Eagle portfolio. What experts did they engage?

You live in a leftist utopian world where every decision is wrong. There is no 13 billion pot of gold and not fighting this decision calls into question the bedrock on which this country’s economy is built.

Politics of envy. Yes I pay too much income tax but it would be a lot more under a Sinn Fein government who wanted to do a Greece.