The Chelsea supporters thread

This thread is nuts . ` .

A Rangers link now to the abuse scandal which has rocked football. However, as @Sidney articulated in his excellent post last night, I think it’s disgusting for anybody to point score on such a serious topic.

It’s affected many organisations, sports and hobbies and indeed society as a whole. I hope all victims will now receive the support they need without online trolls like @gilgamboa 's new pet project @iron_mike making it more difficult for them to come forward.

Mate Im one of those fighting for justice here. It just sickens me to see fellas on cheering and hollering about how well there club is going on the field of play when there are far more pressing issues at hand.

Its a vital part of getting that justice that the fans of these clubs dont sweep sweep the truth away.

There are plenty fellas keeping me honest about the issue of concussion in rugby for example, another very serious issue. That challenge is vital to avoid complacency

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Another classic from @Bandage Trying to have a cut off me while at the same time adapting the "sweep sweep"attitude by failing to criticise his own lapdog @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy for commending Chelsea on paying a lad off to keep quiet.

You’re just a rural Eric Bristow.

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your all confused. Mike is a truth finder as well.

speaking of which

Address the point please. Why did you refuse to condemn @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on his stance.

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I read over 100 new posts on this thread earlier and every second one was a lame yet still offensive attempted jibe about child sexual abuse from him. He’s a very strange method of seeking truth here - the same as the Crafty Cockney in many respects - and I frankly find it abhorrent.

As an aside (and with apologies to Brimmer), I’m going to ask carryharry to reintroduce bans for your / you’re errors.

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Will he still go to Celtic matches with him now thats hes a Chelsea/rangers/linfield fan?

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it really bothers you doesnt it.

It surely does.

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@Bandage just reverts to type when he gets rattled.
He just decides to go on another format of attack. Lashes out at whatever he feels will score him a few points.

Posters who use the tired “rattled” line against others whose posts show no sign of being rattled at all. :rollseyes:

As stated, my own position is summed up by @Sidney 's excellent post last night.

  • I abhor child abuse;
  • Trying to point score about it disgusts me;
  • I hope the victims get justice and support;
  • I welcome Chelsea’s weekend statement where they acknowledged that the initial payment and confidentiality clause wasn’t the correct method of dealing with it (notwithstanding the perpetrator died many years ago so couldn’t be pursued by the police);
  • I welcome @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's post which welcomed Chelsea’s statement.

So you’ve never used the term “rattled” against another poster?


This is basic straw man stuff. Cop on please.

signing in from the bridge

1st trip over if the season

good atmosphere

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Really ground that out. Great 3 points.

We should now be aiming at Arsenal’s record of 14 wins in a row .

Badly need another left wing back in the window.

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Another Win, Conte is a managerial genius

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3 1-0 wins on the spin - that’s Championship winning form.

Only 2 goals conceded in our last 11 league games - fantastic.

Costa and Kante will be big losses for Bournemouth but we should have enough to take care of things.

With Oscar going we will be in the market for a new midfielder, it will be great to get a guy in who is suitable to Conte’s sytem, Oscar is a good player but he doesn’t fit with the current system in place and it’s a great bit of business to get £52m for him.

Badelji, Nainggolan and Verratti all linked.