The Citizens of Cavan and Fermanagh Thread, including Quinns

The ESB bill will be in by Tuesday and it’ll make flitters of it…

After trying to brazen it out on Clare Byrne this morning Dukes has issued an unreserved apology this evening on Matt Cooper. It seems Heather Humphries threw a bit of a wobbler and Alan folded like the long streak of piss that he is .


He was pitiful on the wireless this morning. Clare had her foot on his throat from early.
That said, he came across in the series as a supremely smug fucker….

It’s a classic of modern society that we have on the one hand a gang of entitled, lying, defrauding thugs, and on the other an irritating politician who made a fairly true but anti-woke statement, and he’s the easy target so the media go after him.


It’s comical.

Dukes barely reached the top ten of objectionable fuckers in that programme yet has become the news story.


Now that you mention it, that was some achievement by Dukes to emerge as the biggest cunt from the program despite the ridiculously stiff competition.

Quinn has received the vast majority of the negative press following the doc and rightfully so. Trying to excuse Duke’s behaviour because because Quinn is a bigger prick doesn’t add up. It wasnt just the border county comment either. Dukes smirked and sneered his way through the program and i’m delighted he is getting a bit of flak for it.


That’s Paddy and his victim complex for you. Alan Dukes called it correctly in spelling out a home truth that some might have found hard to accept. He’s now the villian of the piece and Quinn and what he got up to is all but forgotten about. If he still held any offices and wasn’t all but retired, Paddy wouldn’t rest easy until he was hounded out of office and forced to resign.


Dukes was spot on. It’s bandit country up there.

Why did he apologise unreservedly so?

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For a bit of peace and quiet and the easy life. He’s an old man pushing 80 and retired. A mealy mouthed apology to Paddy and that’s the end of it. No apology and Paddy just rumbles on and on with his victim complex.

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It’s not “paddy”, it’s modern society. Behaviour learned from the tans.

I’m not sure why Dukes apologised. Its clearly what he believes. Its his conviction that border people have that violent gene or whatever. It is almost like he is apologising for a thought crime. But I think in general Quinn has been vilified in the media for over a decade now. Peoples hatred of him isn’t going to grow any further really as most people who have followed the story via the print media, state broadcaster, multiple books written already knew this about Quinn. Its hard to hold onto that level of hatred for over a decade. It probably becomes exhausting. In general I’m not sure I learned anything new. A lot of people probably never heard of Alan Dukes though, and as quite a few people here have already alluded to, he just became another fall guy due to his archaic manner and sneery attitude.


Does anyone actually believe Quinn has been honest about his assets?
Every household in the country is paying for the greed of the cunt, and barely a word said.


Theres not a snowballs chance in hell he is being honest about his assets. I have already put forward a theory on what he is doing with them at the moment much further up the thread.

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Anyone could lose a shopping centre in fairness

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Chairman Tan loves Paddy.

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Quinn’s got away easily in terms of public vilification. Denis O’Brien was the pantomime villain of the financial crash in the eyes of the public.

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Corruption in Ireland is endemic unfortunately. While not on a scale like the Oligarchs in Russia it does make fools of us all. A high level review or shopping list of some of the most bizarre over recent years, Siteserv sale and report released a few months ago - the findings of which barely made a ripple in media, Varadkar leaking of GP contract to his friend, massive property portfolios amassed by politicans who dont register them, tracker scandal, hidden loans, Garda Commisioner malpractice and incriminatory evidence like phones going missing, cloak and dagger nature and transparency of NAMA sales at amounts significantly less than MV, a finance minister who didn’t own a bank account, Esat Digifone Licence, never ending and not legal binding tribunals, lending practices in Irish banks and incompetence (if I’m being kind) of the financial regulator.

I’m sure we dont know the half of it because our media are junior cert CSPE standard. So with a story like the Quinns it follows the same arc as the others and peters out over time. It is little wonder the public become apathetic as any sting has long been taken out of the wasp with the passing of time. People widely accept the USC now. How much have we paid for that over the years. Another one of those temporary measures that becomes permanent and political football is played with it around election time.


Tim will be along to dismiss all that because India is far more corrupt or something…

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I did a preamble to cite Russia early doors to mitigate that risk.

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