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Nope. The cunt had the line drawn in the sand for me when one of his early fights (after the rte doc) was on VM. Pre fight he gave a media interview with a mid Atlantic accent (I perfer the skanger one at least). I thought immediately cunt.

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I thought he came across quite well in that RTE doc that time.

His fame internationally in incredible though. The amount of times in the last few years when I’ve been abroad and when you say you’re Irish the first reference point people have is Conor McGregor, various places in Europe and America. He’s probably the most recognised Irish person internationally despite being a national embarrassment.

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Doing as the Romans

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Just like U2 before him.

Bono is a bit annoying but we’re U2 ever a national embarrassment?

Even if you disliked the music U2 were a great source of national pride for many many years, right up to this day.
They’re only really disliked in Ireland, the begrudgery world champions for 80 years in a row


It’s just Bono really.


We only won it cause no one else bothered with it


Agree. They were the biggest band in the world FFS. And even if bono was annoying he was trying to do something decent.


Coach Kavanagh needs to step in here

The Mc will take on half of Rome on his own

Yep. Make as much money as he could and avoid paying tax on it. What being successful is all about.

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While hectoring the rest of us to give our after tax euros to his favourite causes.


Hector is a bit of a dose but I don’t think he could ever be described as world famous

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It’s not ideal but I don’t really have that much issue with the guy setting up to not pay tax in Ireland. Do you have to pay tax in Ireland to be allowed to observe that the first world should do more to help the third world? I’d say not really. What would Ireland do with that tax anyway? Bail out a few banks or give grants to millionaire horse owners or some shit like that? Bono was right.

He did I fairness got a lot of support, a tough few years broke. He worked hard to get where he is. But it was the pre match interview drove me. Everything since makes me wounder why do people still support him.

Not a fan of U2 but never embarrassed ireland. Bono is as we know is a pox but he’s done a lot of good.

Eyeball on him sham!!!

Johnny will get his buddies in limerick to sort out the dub

Yeah but the problem is, as @Fagan_ODowd pointed out, the cunt wants the rest of the country who have no option to avoid tax to pay up to salve his conscience.