The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

He’s peddling that proper piss to everyone.

Have you tasted it

I very rarely drink, I heard it’s rotten but to me all whiskey is rank.

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Johnny Depp would put him in his box. Depp is well know for his love of bourbon

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Depp is a weird cunt

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His ex wife literally shit the bed. Of course he is

The Vertigo 360 tour in Croke Park he stopped between songs to tell us how we had to save some school in Artane or somewhere. Completely ruined my buzz, I just thought “Why don’t you pay your fucking taxes then?”


Why shouldn’t he pay taxes when the ordinary person should, he’s a cunt end of

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We’ve gone way off topic,
Are U2 a national embarrassment? I say no, quite the opposite.


anyone who makes a few bob is a national embarrassment to a nation of begrudgers.


Bono was awarded an honorary knighthood by the Queen. Of course he’s a fucking national embarrassment, and a complete cunt.


Ah yeah, I couldn’t leave the country for years after that what with them all laughing at me over it

Bono is in a completely different category from McGregor and Geldof though because he’s written great songs for decades and is really the lead singer of one if the greatest bands in music history. McGregor and Geldof were flashes in the pan and now just professional spoofers.

I wouldn’t expect a Carky to understand. National pride has little or no meaning down your way.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good one, that’ll be popular :+1:

Will I get a hape of likes for it, do you reckon?

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If that’s what you’re in to.
It was a great put down, Carky, Queen implied, you should be very proud :+1:

It was indeed a good retort to your smarmy reply.


Indeed, you’re actually embarrassed because an Irishman accepted an honorary knighthood, genuinely embarrassed?

I don’t like Bono, he annoys me but in all fairness, U2 a national embarrassment, that’s laughable