The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

WWF after paying his way out of a few more sexual assault allegations.

He’d be in bad form detoxing anyway

coke stopped him from being a billionaire

Ah stop; you could count on one hand the list of sportspeople who ever became billionaires. A scumbag in a niche sport would never reach that level

RTE will commission “Conor’s craic crew”

Conor and a few og the lads do a road trip around ireland having the craic with locals in different towns


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Freudian slip

@Thomas_Brady is O.G.

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4 or 5 years of that and you have 1 billion
*granted some one off earnings last year

Gerry Vegas goes to Vegas.

“See ya in the spring, and if I don’t see ya in the spring I’ll see ya on the mattress, wha”.

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Ah here. You could argue he’s not very talented. And a lack of hunger.

As well as the drug problem, obviously.

Are there or have there ever been other celebrities (let alone ‘sportspeople’) who document their coked out of it party lifestyle so obviously on social media? In the old days the paparazzi would be chasing him for this kind of content but he’s actually putting it up himself . 🤷🏻 Would imagine most in the public eye would be far too media savvy and polished but as super furry animals used to say the man don’t give a fuck.

Is he putting it up exactly because the press don’t care about him? They all know what he is and are just waiting for him to fall, which he will eventually.

He was your hero bro. Must be tough for you


He’s never actually be caught doing a line yet though has he?

Just his antics when off his chops.

Yeah but even that though. Not something you’d normally see on anyone’s own page. Let alone a celebrity never mind a sportsperson. It’s ferociously needy behaviour. Or maybe it’s common enough I don’t know

Was he? I must have missed when that happened.

It is but I think it reflects on the UFC being a complete cod.

It’s another thing former fanboys like @Thomas_Brady try to distance themselves from these days as they look back at embarrassment on how they were bigging this up with knowledgeable posters could see it for the contrived spectacle it was.

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Cocaine wouldn’t be renowned for improving people’s judgement and decision making.

I know which is probably even more surprising he’s the only celeb at it so consistently. Maybe it’s a deliberate media strategy and he’s actually at home watching Disney plus wit the kids every night.

The epitome of all that’s wrong in society right there in full view.

Bangers and mashed