The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

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Some boyo….

Was always going to come to this

This means more

He’ll hire the best lawyers, hand over a few million on the qt and that’ll be the end of it

Hope the daughter enjoyed her summer holiday with daddy


Proper scouser

He’s a close to the flames flyer is our Conor, someday that whole house is going to come tumbling down. What he’s doing in an, I assume shithole like Birkenhead is another thing. They’re dressed like they were attending a funeral. As much as the guy tries to buy his class, making sure that he only wears designer clothing that spell out in big letters where they were bought from, he’s a dirty scrotebag in every strand of his DNA and that will never not shine through the paper thin veneer he so desperately tries to build.


Looks like he was there for a wedding along with Tony Coinage.

He’ll be killed or die from an overdose soon

I’d say you’re dead right.

Wasn’t there an Irish boxer Jack Doyle back in the day doing much the same craic? Drinking and hewering around town albeit before the days of social and mass media.

If Dee has any sense she’ll have a massive life insurance policy out on him.

He’s a bad bastard but fuck it if I dont love to see this thread bumped

More like she should take him to the cleaners before the money runs out

Youre the one who bumps it.

By the bottle I live and by the bottle I shall fall

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What a credit to Ireland

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