The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

In the fridge

Eh guys, that tastes alright . What the fuck

Have you punched an old man yet?


It’s a gateway drug to crack and sexual assault.


He’s calling out his reflection in the mirror.


He’ll be lucky if that’s as far as it goes.

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Ill give conor a compliment, companies coming to him to use his brand to advertise the shit products they have works a treat. He does savage marketing and despite his antics, he sells the stuff like hotcakes. Proper twelve is the cheap shit bushmills have at the back of the warehouse scratching their heads thinking wtf will we do with this. Marketing genius Mcgregor

I see Porterhouse are making the stout, could be a nice earner for them. I imagine it is a priority for both to keep their own brands as far away from McGregor’s brand as they can manage.

Yup in fairness a perfect example of the irish people, drunk, fighting and looks like a leprechaun to promote drinks products in the US.

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Whatever happened to Gerry Vegas?

He was ringside for the Katie Taylor fight.


What does he do?

We used to be a proper country

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If Connie doesn’t get his puss badly bushted the next day out tis all equal.

I’d nearly go to it and if Connie was edging it I’d climb into the cage like The Bull below at the falls when Tadgh was bested by the Yank.

Scatter all them cunts in the video then. Tis high time the rural people of Ireland took a stand.


Still a classic video. I can feel the drugs coming out through the computer screen.

Down to 0 penalty points.


Is he a thraveller boss?

Trying to take credit for what cocaine has already done.