The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Cheasty is a very judgemental young lad.

I hadn’t the heart to follow the ins and outs of the case- who the perpetrator was, or whether there were any flags missed etc. Like most of us i want to live in a multicultural society, i want strangers to feel welcome, i welcome their efforts and presence, and i want my kids to compete with, befriend and mix with an absolute pallaver of ethnicities and nationalities. I dont even mind a few spongers and layabouts. But if we haven’t the courage or intent to weed out threats and menaces…in case we might say the ‘wrong thing’ etc…


Its not only that, mo chara. We are putting these people into camps. Wherever they’ll fit and making no effort to integrate them into our society. I was up in trabolgan again today where they’re sent, to walk the 2 miles into town to get their shop and have human interaction

I make a point to bring the dog up the back of the fields and dazzle rabbits where they are. The cunt is gone pure useless from all the love and pets he gets up there… i then spin them in and out of town for their messages because no other cunt gives a fuck. Im trying to get the men involved in the local soccer club but again, nobody gives a fuck


Ok mate. Theres no need for the childish ‘duh’. He didnt tweet ‘this is war’ or anything like that after ashling murphy was killed or ryan caseys statemwnt. He had a bravo to caseys statement and that was it. His big jump to this is war and his new uber racist shit came last week. We know, even though he deletes his tweets so often. He then tweeted repeatedly after last weeks stabbing. Incendiary racism and calls to action and threats that he wouldnt be stopped and would act… hes been a racist all along. He went nuts* after the stabbing and has backtracked significantly since. But hed often go nuts. Ascribing all his outbreaks of nutsness and racism to one incident is silly in my book. Id ascribe his bouts of it to excessive drug taking or drinking.

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My point is, nobody really gives a fuck. They’re brought in and left the fuck alone and nobody really fucking cares.

I don’t care. They’re at war. I don’t care. But if you bring in a whole sub culture to a place and dont make an effort, there will be problems. Nobody really gives a fuck tho beyond posting on social media and appearing virtuous


The melting pot vs the salad bowl. It should be the former really

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Doing the pure simple versus doing anything at all. We’re great lad to put a finger out and point it down the road…

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Everyone’s frightened of saying the wrong thing, theres absolutely no conversation to be had, beyond shutting everyone down and name calling etc. You see enough of it here to know. Our friend in San Francisco ploughed a straight
furrow. Voted democrat, enjoyed the company of whoever etc, but woe betide the day he pointed out a few home truths about who in his society needed the police the most- shut down, insulted, screamed at and called all the names of the day, fair play to him forstanding his ground…he is horrifically wrong about Israel though


Sure I can’t be right about everything. The Israelis are hardened bastards, but I suppose that’s what an actual holocaust does to you.

You are a fine human

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It’s not that, its just that I’ve flirted with being guilty by association

Steady on now

Lovely post mate, but full roaster.
I was chatting to the lad who farms around me the last day. He had a lovely dog.
“He’s a lovely dog”
“Oh he is, he’s a great dog”
“How old is he Michael?”
“I have him two years”
“What’s his name?”
“He hasn’t got one”

Someone asked my auld lad the name of the cat before and he burst his hole laughing. “She’s called ‘the cat’. Why would she need a name?”


Fair play to you :+1:

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Jesus the lads in Gaza are gonna be hard as fucking nails in no time so.


Sure in most cases we don’t give a fuck about our own either, we’re all just getting on with it in our own bubble.

Fair play to you for making the effort, much appreciated in a rural area no doubt

We have loads of Ukrainians involved with the basketball club now, always had plenty of African and Muslim kids, some are ok and others are stone useless but it’s integration and it’s vital.

On Trabolgan and (heaven forbid) tents, I think they’re a necessary evil, much better than the alternative.

We’re a conservative people, no history of immigration, takes time

Imagine putting 30 young Irishmen ,30 young Englishmen and 30 young Scotsmen into a hotel and leaving them there to rot . There would be absolute killings in the place .

Get some great gags out of it though

It’d be great if they had a slide where you could make a wish on the way down :+1:

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