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He’s trying to be edgy.

My source on the ground says the DPP wimped out @artfoley. Said the whole thing was very close to being a murder so should have been tried as attempted.

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Is it an “unhelpful” headline in your opinion to report the nationality of the scumbag?

Whatever about not understanding the consequences - advocating for it is beyond rational comprehension


According to Kitty Holland and an assorted bunch of loons online, the victim impact statement by the boyfriend of Aisling Murphy constitues “incitement to hatred” on the grounds of “racism” (in spite of the fact he didn’t mention the ethnicity or nationality of the murderer, and was directing his comments at the murderer and the government). Which of course means to them this is an example of someone who should be prosecuted for hate speech under the proposed legislation.

Rational people should have a long think about that. Whether it’s this government or any future government, you can be assured that if this legislation is passed, it will be used to suppress criticism of the government and the state funded media will go along with it.

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Holland is correct and you are wrong. Read the Press Council guidelines.

What Ryan Casey said did indeed incite far right hatred.

Casey was let away with what he said because people felt sorry for him.

Conor McGregor probably wouldn’t have been calling for war against immigrants only for Casey’s comments.

None of the sham free speech merchants like you have said anything about Kitty Holland being banned from Twitter.

You are in favour of censoring those you don’t like.

You should be very much allowed to
express hatred for the man who murdered your girlfriend.


Nobody must object if a bereaved boyfriend incites far right hatred. Bereaved people can say whatever they want, even if they target immigrants and their words incite fascist riots.

It would be an insult to Ashling Murphy’s memory to oppose fascist riots carried out in her name.

Anybody who does so must be silenced.

Thats batshit crazy mate. Youve just done a Sid Jump.

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All McGregor’s recent batshit comments were provoked by Casey’s statement.

This doesn’t sound racist or hostile to immigrants, quite the opposite …
We have to, once and for all, start putting the safety of not only Irish people but everybody in this country who works hard, pays taxes, raises families and overall contributes to society, first.


Not buying that at all. You think he’s had some sort of racist epiphany? It was there when he was telling mayweather to dance for him. There when he was taunting Khabib about fighting. Pictures of pillow cases was it? There pretty much all the time. Thats him. Long before the Ashling Murphy case. Im sure theres plenty of other examples.


A very fair statement.


Are you trying to tell me that you believe anybody who is incited into racist behaviour by another person’s statement is having a “racist epiphany”? They aren’t.

Racists seize on particular statements as excuses. I would have thought that’s bleedin’ obvious. Ryan Casey’s statement was seized on by the entirety of the far right, especially McGregor. It was entirely predictable it would be seized on because Casey clearly implied the problem was immigration, not crime, and harked back to a fictional lost innocent Ireland. His “points” were bullshit but they were manna from heaven for racists.

Casey was the beneficiary of extreme political correctness from the media who refused to criticise him because they felt sorry for him because he was bereaved. A bereaved person’s words can do immense harm and they did.

I dont understand where her point of view or the loons are getting theirs either. He questioned why someone would do something so horrific when the state has provided him with a decent life since his arrival over a decade ago. How is that far right or hatered. In fairness the young man is entitled to hate the murderer, doesnt mean he hates immigration.

Talk about take a statement out of context to fuel your own agenda


No. Im proving to you that he was racist already. And providing examples. And i think while he commented on caseys speech, he jumped like a loon at a much bigger exampleof/opportunity for racism.

This tactic of the far left is taken direclty from Marx “accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing, to create confusion”. The far left are extremely racist, just as much as the far right, but hide it under their pretend concern for minorities.

The tide is turning though, most of the pushback against the woke agenda is from minorites who are sick and tired of being “represented” by self hating whites. Some of the strongest rejection of the indoctorination of schoolchildren in the US is from Muslim communities, imagine the idiot level of ideologues thinking that Muslims who are far more conservative than Christians would support their batshit agendas.


Yes, mate, duh McGregor was already racist, duh.

Racists use words as an excuse. That’s why Casey’s statement was a big deal. He gave every racist in Ireland an excuse with his extremely poorly worded statement, which, again, implied immigration was putting Ireland on a “very dangerous road”.

A lot of people claim to hate political correctness, but it is extreme political correctness to deny the effect Casey’s statement had in giving the racists all the excuse they needed to whip up a firestorm of hatred.

I used to think this fella was mildly intelligent, turns out he has an IQ of about 45. Note the regression into complete dependence on Fox News clichĂŠs.