The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's šŸ

Its not Sinn Feinn we are taking about here

Recent election results disprove that statement. Are they not racist enough for you?

Thereā€™s plenty of workers that arenā€™t from families sucking the country dry with years of farming subsidies who will gladly vote for them.

I would also add that that the establishment parties for far too long have been turning a blind eye to rampant abuse of these subsidies in order to win the rural vote. Pathetic.


He has millions to throw at the campaign. It would be very easy to set out easy steps to register and vote. He would only need to glavanise a few heads in each area and they could do it.

It would have to start withā€¦ā€˜DO NOT PICK UP THE RIZLA PAPERS IN THE MORNINGā€™


In fairness, at his height he had thousands getting their shit together to fly to vegas to watch him fight. Id say he could get them to a polling station.

I know the types that used to fly. Motivating them to fuck hookers, snort coke and gamble on either side of two lads knocking the head off each other in Vegas would be different from motivating them to do administrative stuff.


I doubt a few thousand junkies who were capable to storing away the double dole will be enough to get him over the line.

Joe will make solid shite of McGregor

will he get them to register to vote?

ā€˜lads on hereā€™ are living in 2016 if they think McGregor is some kind of universally loved hero among young people. These arenā€™t the days of ā€˜im backing Conorā€™ tricolour Facebook profile pics. Heā€™s commonly regarded as a laughing stock and a mess of a man and the sexual assault allegations and stories of battering women on boats etc are absolutely taken as red especially across his old constituency of working class Dublin. Heā€™d hardly get 500 votes.

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Iā€™d vote for Conor.


Heā€™d get in excess of that in an hour. So many people would vote for him as a fuck you to the establishmentā€¦ Which would take a few votes away from Jarry.

Canā€™t see it. Heā€™s really unpopular. This isnā€™t trailerville USA

Paul Mason estimates that in any country at least 10% of the population are predisposed to supporting fascism. Iā€™d wager thatā€™s a considerable underestimate.

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Heā€™s unpopular on twitterā€¦ Twitter is just an echo chamber. Anyway, he wonā€™t be running.

In all likelihood, he wonā€™t but he could give a big endorsement to some headbanger.

Bob Geldof?

Unlike kyler

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