The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Mixed martial malarkey seems to have had the same lifespan in the Irish public interest as Caroline Morahan, Pokemon and the Mohican hairstyle. McGregor done well to be such a cokehead and not lose every penny already.

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Morahan was amazing. You can stick your Garrihys and your Zamperinins


The in-house junkie shall weigh in with a guesstimate of a mis-timed xanax coupled with weed that he just couldn’t handle…or he’s on the lean.

Lean (drug) - Wikipedia(known,soft%20drink%20and%20sugar%20candy.


Lean. Mmm-hmm. Lean and coke possibly even. He’s got some super special shoulder twitching goin’ on.

Early onset Parkinsons from kicks to the head.

Wow, handy enough to make

It might kick off your hip-hop career.



After the Roadhouse performance Conor will be following Cillian to an Oscar soon enough

Think he’s more likely to follow Cillian’s stage mate/brother Arthur

I’m not gonna lie guys, it’s not a good performance. It’s not good at all. I know, I was stunned too.

Jake should be ashamed. Give her back her scarf as well you bastard

He’s clucking there.

Conor McGregor made a promising start in acting, earning over $5.5 million for his role in Road House. McGregor’s film payment surpassed The Rock’s record, making him the highest-paid first-time actor.

Conor continues to soar .

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Is that actually Jake Gyllenhaal interviewing with that worthless coke head?

I seen a clip of this yesterday,fuckin brutal.I won’t be watching.

No its Barbara Streisand


Ah ok, that makes sense.

Wakey wakey lad they made a movie together

Jake is finished until he gives back the scarf.