The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

I’m looking forward to it tbh.

It’s cring from the clip I seen.The original is a stone cold classic though

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The guy reviewing this movie on Movies and Booze yday on Moncrief went through the film for a shortcut. Said it was muck and all but call McGregor a cunt.

All the better.
I’d say McGregor is unbearable in it.

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He has risen


Champ is cleaning house

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Didn’t the press conference get abandoned yesterday in 3 arena?

Yeah i saw something that he posted about it. Was there trouble?

Connor posts regularly on the Guinness community page on facebook i just realised. :joy:


Surprised that page hasn’t been taken down

Used to be a good spot for cleavage

What would that doler know about the working man’s drink. And didn’t Khabib or someone reveal before a fight that McGregors grandfather was in the British army. And here he goes off about a rat for a foreign entity.

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He’d be ran off tfk for that ‘Rarthur’ shit. Junior hurling standard.

Understanding now why ciaran mcfaul didn’t start for Derry last Sunday

The Mc is injured and won’t compete at next UFC show.