The Cost of Living 📈

Is nicotine itself that bad?
I know people who do it in pure form to help concentrate, weirdo PHD types that are working stupid hours in industry

Can be toxic I believe, kill you.

The CDC says 50 to 60 milligrams of nicotine is a deadly dose for an adult who weighs about 150 pounds.

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It depends on dose. Like caffeine I suppose. You can build up a tolerance but I doubt there’s been a time in the history of humanity where such quantities are being used regularly as high dose vaping. I doubt it’s good for you.
One consideration for smokers. There is an incontrovertible and strong correlation between macular degeneration and tobacco smoking. Macular degeneration predominates in fair skin fair eyed folk, ie many Celts. I’d avoid tobacco smoking for this reason alone. Again it’s unclear which chemical compounds it is, but there’s no doubt. Tobacco is very bad for your blood vessel health. It’s bad for your skin, your hair, your teeth, your bank balance, your breath, your love life (in both ways), your organs, your eyesight.
Vaping is preferable to fags imo, but it’s unclear how harmful it is. I’d suspect the harm of vaping is predominantly mental, along with cardiac irregularities caused by toxic doses of nicotine, but I’m sure there’s plenty to come out.


I don’t doubt any bit of that for a second. These gentlemen and ladies are however ingesting it in some form of pill. No tobacco, no vape and no smoking. Gives you better focus but not quite Adderall/vyanase/meth levels

My concern is always that whatever mental stimulation you get from a drug, either medicinal or recreational, you pay back with interest at some point, though some studies link coffee (presumably caffeine) to a more productive life in general. Hard to sort the chicken from the egg. They can help as a holding pattern for a while though, until circumstances change for whatever reason.

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Both ways? Way 1 is himself ready and capable when called on command.

What’s the other?

Bad breath , hair, skin teeth and general health is not conducive to attracting and retaining a nice partner.

I have you now

College buddy of mine still smokes. Has tried to knock it on the head but “it’s all I have now” as he says himself.

Mugs game.

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Jesus. At his age it’s really damaging.


After 5 years away from the country, i couldn’t believe the amount of lads vaping here. I must’ve stopped off in about 30 different towns across the country since August and 90% had a vape shop with bright shiny signage. The Great Vape Phenomenon of '22.

Speaking of which, are head shops still a thing?

I’ve often wondered where a man would go to get head in this country.


Can’t speak for this country but Greg Olsen would be the authority on the subject in the States.

No. Joe Duffy the fat headed cunt ended them

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Any lad not microdosing psychedelics may as well forget about it.

Sure that’s a given. Easy buy from the 'dam

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suggesting psychotropics for some of the headbangers on here might not be the brightest idea youve ever had


Jack Nicholson Yes GIF