The Daddy Thread

Tis gas all the cunts who have to drive little jonny and sheila all the way to the front door of the school. Lazy parents beget lazy little shits. Park a bit away and give them a bit of exercise.

Mikeā€™s obduracy is surely something to behold.

Why help a colleague out with a task that will take 15 minutes when you can spend two days exchanging messages about why youā€™re unable to assist on this occasion?


Wow. What a word :clap:

i forgive all his footixness because of this - so much respect for him

I donā€™t understand it. Where are they all rushing to?

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Five years ago. Big party this weekend :see_no_evil:

A beautiful, kind, stubborn mule of a girl. Same as her mother. God help me when sheā€™s 15.


Alright. Ye get a like. But fuck away off with this three and an eighth years ago shite

He may have bate the head off his ma during covid, but @mikehunt is the best of us.

This lad is some operator. Flying around the house with abandon blaring out German techno :clap:


Mammy is gone to town for the afternoon to a show for the first time. Sheā€™s an absolute ball of stress. Must have told me a hundred things before she left, of which Iā€™ve remembered about ten things.
Have him settled and flat out asleep. Letā€™s hope I get Limerick and KK in.


Iā€™ve become a great grandfather today,
Another OTW,
Great feeling,
kids were great,
grand kids a bit more special
Great grandchild -
Different planet :heart:


Are you on the way with a lump of rebel soil you mad spoon?
Congrats a chara


No ,too far ( thank God)
But Iā€™ve a great grandson OTW aswell, might have to do something alright

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Good man you yourself. You should be given your own townland, or county maybe

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Good man, ive no doubt you will make the Great Great bracket too.

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Never know,
Mardyke arena has me meter ticking over



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Congrats kid. Not many Great Grandads Bouncing for Paddyā€™s Day Iā€™d say. Some man


Congrats pal

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