The Daddy Thread

I was playing kids stuff on YouTube earlier trying to calm the young fella.

A tune came on that sounded familiar and it was this


Round 2 of the 21st tonight family meal, thought I was bad until @iron_mike listed the early Jan :birthday: :rofl:


What a day. Eldest turned 4 today.
Youngest up all last night. Had both sets of parents, assorted brothers and sisters, their other halves etc arriving today with their own entourage. Couldnt get a caterer so I volunteered to do cooking duties. 2 dutch oven type caserole dishes with 4 lbs of beef Bourgonion was made last night with a hape of mashed potatoes and garlic bread. Given how cold it was outside today it would nearly have aten itself. Worked out well but fit for nothing now after being put to savage work earlier this morning straightening the place. Time for a beer now. I’ll know better the next time.


I was 56 yesterday but you wouldn’t hear me blowing about it.


Belated happy birthday mate.


My birthday was Thursday with Mrs ccha’s today.

Poor ould time of year for celebrations but great for underage gaa and I maxed it out

One of the juniors came home from Australia today. All good :+1:


Good stuff. How long was he away for?

Happy Birthday Balbec

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Happy Birthday @balbec . May your strawberries always be ripe.

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Near perfect for underage hurling.

You’re basically 60 so

A belated Happy birthday to our Limerick Leader.

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As good as.

Auld boy gone a year today :pensive:


Mass for my Daddy’s Daddy today. 69 years, Dad was only 6. Very sad at the time and still has it’s repercussions to this day.


I uttered something remarkably similar to my life partner on the occasion when I watched an Ireland international football match at her family home, some years ago. Her father paused the match at regular intervals of his choosing to present his own analysis of proceedings. It should be noted that my life partners father has absolutely fuck all knowledge of association football but nonetheless felt compelled to offer his opinions on same, even while in the company of persons who possessed vastly superior knowledge and understanding of the game. It did grate somewhat.


The little fellow had a serious brush with death in the past few days. A hairs breath away. It’s high wire stuff at times just keeping him safe and alive. Not a bother on him today as everybody else nerves are still shot.


Jaysus. Thanks be to god all are well

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