The Daddy Thread

Youā€™ll always be my mate, mate

A damning indictment of the old 51 posse hereā€¦
ā€˜Baileys before brosā€¦ā€™ seems the new motto.

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A solid afternoon put away being ā€œthe monsterā€ on a bouncy castle.

Iā€™m fit for the leaba.


Will be joining circa Christmas Day for the first time. God speed until then my virtual bubbies.


It must have been a wonderful St Patrickā€™s Day!

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Best of luck my friend. All changed, changed utterly, a terrible beauty is born


The big day tomorrow lads, enjoy

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They wanted to change the Landcruiser for me but I rejected it out of hand for fear it would get out and Iā€™d incur the wrath of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . Itā€™ll be the usual bottles of expensive liquor that I wonā€™t openā€¦ā€¦

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Iā€™ve the pass set aside for both All Irelands, wouldnā€™t be wasting it on a day like tomorrow


Would 5 gallon of green diesel not do just as well?

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Iā€™ve never subscribed to either Mothers or Fatherā€™s Day, came from a house where it was non existent and have passed the tradition on to our 2 as well, load of bollocks.


You make it sound like prison and a day release . What about Robin Williams in good will hunting missing the Red Sox to be with his life partner ? Whereā€™s the romance?

You sound like a right miserable bollocks.

Ive said this before but Iā€™ve a deal where my fathers day is always on AI hurling final day.

Get a nice breakfast the morning of the game at home and then I hit into the match or go off and watch it in one of the many porter cathedrals in town.


Thatā€™s the job

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Could you not do both?

Couldnā€™t agree more, then again i might get a few bottles of ale. Viva fatherā€™s day, or notā€¦depending

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We need more KK blood in the world! Congrats

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Ah the eldest will have some sort thing from school but weā€™ll cap it at that.

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