The Daddy Thread

All the more reason to start the indoctrination.

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Would the child have to pay gift tax on that?

Iā€™ll tell you in about 2 years.

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Iā€™m going to go with this. Thanks for sharing.

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With a driver from Clare

Youā€™d want to organise yourself here with the standing order idea. Youā€™re starting with ā‚¬20 pm which will need to be upped 15% say on an annual basis. As it currently stands it comes out at ā‚¬4320 in 18 years.

You were better paid now if you just handed the child the ā‚¬4K now when they need stuff rather than a deposit on a time-travel capsule when heā€™s 18.

Youā€™re his Godfather, bung him ā‚¬100 now and an odd touch here and there as he grows up. When heā€™s older bring him fishing, matches, carnivalsā€¦. Time spent with the child as he grows and develops is worth multiples of monetary trinkets like X-Boxes and that shite. Invest 5 days a year in the kid I sayā€¦.


Anything to be said for bringing him to an owl mass every now and again?


Itā€™s a good job the yoof of today have grandparents who are able to find the church without the sat-nav. But you surely have a point.
Only 2 weeks ago I got an earful about pre-Confirmation rituals that we I was assured all bullshit. I enquired as to why they bothered really seeing as youā€™re railing against most things. The response was a grunt. Thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone now it seems.


Neither of his parents are accountants so donā€™t think this needs factoring.

Thatā€™s a given to still occur.

No fear of that as I enjoy it myself. I took his older brother (7) to his first hurling match, the tipp Limk game, recently and he was completely absorbed in and by the occasion. Same kid spends a week holidays with us every summer. Same for him will happen for his brother/the godchild.

I actually enjoy being able to have a bit of craic spending time with the younger wans as my own two have outgrown many of the activities that I still find fun in.


The godfather of our youngest gave a present of a nice bottle of whiskey of the year of birth vintage to be opened on the childā€™s 18th or 21st birthday. Not an extravagant bottle so itā€™ll be worth drinking. Thought it was a nice touch. Am sure there was cash in a card as well but the whiskey is what will be remembered.


Sounds like a twat tbh


Giving a present of whiskey to a baby?

Nothing wrong with that at all.

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At the kids sports day today and chatting away to another parent who Iā€™d often chat to at the kids GAA games or whatever. Normally interactions are limited to 10 mins or so but Iā€™d a good hour and a bit to fill today so conversation went a bit deeper than normal.

Heā€™s a teacher now so was talking about his career path and what he left behind him but how itā€™s a better quality of life etc. He starts telling me a story about a good mate of his who is a high flier in a big financial firm in Dublin. He name drops him and the colour drains from my face when I realize itā€™s the same name as a forumite.

An awkward few seconds ensue where I almost mention that I might know the same person but when I play it forward in my mind I donā€™t like where it would go and trying to explain how I know him. He keeps rabitting on about him, how he hates his job but that it pays so well that he canā€™t leave it now. I try to change the conversation and it takes a minute or two where I eventually point out one of our kids taking part in the sack race.

Those moments where TFK and real-life morph together are very scary. As an aside, I hope all is well with you and the family @briantinnion


Sure half the country is in that boat


Half the country and 80% of TFK


Yeah but very few of the country earn that much that other people talk about them and their plight. Fair fucks to @briantinnion of the 1 per cent.

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When Covid took away his regular business flights to NYC he died a little inside.

my love for @briantinnion gets stronger

could have bought a Porsche, bought a cargo bike

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I have no mates, never mind good mates. Must be someone else.


You have e-mates.