The Daddy Thread

You should go to the Picasso museum in Malaga. Sweet Jesus. The greatest fraud that ever lived.

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Looking for a history of your people?


Here all week


The Milanos in town are all good. One on Dawson St is huge. Youā€™d surely get a seat.

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@TheUlteriorMotive @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy any good diner type place on the north side to bring a young lad

Does he like crepes/pancakes? Either of the Andersenā€™s maybe

If itā€™s pizza go to Independent Pizza

Eddie Rockets in Pigsboro

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Had to deal with a poonami earlier. Shite on her vest and shorts too. Hosed down said vest and shorts after I had her changed, worked a treat.


Jaysus youā€™d surely fuck them out? Not the child obviously

The thought crossed my mind. Shorts were okay, couldnā€™t get over how good the best came out. Was putting on a wash at the time, came out perfect. And sure with the drying today, the best is up in the drawer and ready to go again.

Iā€™ve had a few atomics in my day and I just tossed them figuring how much was my time worth. I regret nothing


Bit of a bug going around the house. Iā€™d be tough out so went to do the weekly shop and brought the 3 yr old along as sheā€™s the biggest pain in the arse Shopping done and we head for a coffee. She wants one of those packaged smoothies that come in all sorts of flavours. Asked was she sure cos sheā€™s never had it and her usual flavour was there. She insists on this one so down we sit, one sip ā€˜donā€™t like itā€™. Grand says I, Iā€™ll bring it home to Rascal and heā€™ll drink it (always works) No way would she allow that so took snother few slurps. You could tell by her eyes it was piss but she kept at it until she eventually could take no more snd stuck the straw down to make sure it couldnā€™t be brought home.


Where do the years go? My older chap is 5 today & I canā€™t believe itā€™s 5 years since my enjoyment the France-Croatia World Cup Final was rudely interrupted by my life partner wetting herself.

Down in St Anneā€™s Park very early this morning counting the chairs at the Rose Festival. (145 by the way).


When are ye going for No3?

Leave the poor man alone. Heā€™s a marathon to train for

Iā€™m only asking for confirmation of his life partners future plans.

When heā€™s told, heā€™ll know


The younger of my 2 girls taking me out to see Oppenhiemer this evening. Probably should link this to the feeling old thread

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My second girl finished a week long live in basketball camp in Kilkenny today, it was beautiful to watch them interacting with all the new pals, stories in the car on the way home, divilment etc, reminded me of my time in the Gaeltacht and the lump in your throat as youā€™re leaving.
But my God, talk about living the dream, a week away from the folks at 13, eating sleeping playing basketball with all the social stuff thrown in, heaven


Do your girls play GAA?

My youngest plays Gah, but basketball is her first sport as well


Is basketball played in secondary schools in Limerick or is it just with clubs?