The Daddy Thread

Please refer to my above post.

I have it on good authority that he only started using Aodhan officiall when he went to UCD.

A lot of teachers do this I notice.

Carlos Valdes Starz GIF by Gaslit

Croppy has landed a heavy blow on Juhnniallo here.

Can he respond?


Terrific banter between AodhĂĄn & Brian Fenton on Twitter there now. Two Dublin & Dublin Bay North greats.

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So he changed his name to Aodhàn? Thats what youre telling me? And he uses the name Aodhàn now? Thanks. I can confirm independently that his family call him Aodhàn. There’s also a video of his mam saying it on twitter before the last election but i cant be arsed searching his 50thousand or so tweets.

Here his is again saying it. But sure you go on and decide what the fellas name is for him.

At his wedding his best man referenced that he went from being called Aidan to Aodhan at UCD.

I was asking in relation to his familybas he was referred to as Aidan on his father’s death notice earlier this month.

Earth shattering detective work there mate. So he changed his name over 20 years ago and is now called AodhĂ n by everyone and its the name he uses very publicly? Ok. Thanks mate.

Excellent, thanks for answering the question I originally asked.

It’s still odd about the death notice though in that case though.

I lost a game of rock paper scissors with my life partner at around 5.13am this morning so had to deal with my notoriously early rising children. They woke up in jumping on the bed & potentially injuring themselves form so coaxing them back to bed or telling them to read books quietly wasn’t really an option. If we’re really sleep deprived we fire phones at them & tell them to watch Paw Patrol or something on You Tube, but that’s likely to entice them to wake up at least as early every day.

So I decided to head downstairs with them at 5.30am. They played with Lego & other bits for nearly an hour & I got them breakfast then. Back into the toys after eating & it appears I succumbed to tiredness & dozed off in an armchair. Next thing my snooze was abruptly ended by commotion coming from the kitchen. It was laughing & cheering & general wacky/zany breakfast show DJ on a commercial radio station style happy noise rather than anything to worry about. That said, I roused myself & strolled out to investigate.

I was met by the sight of the kitchen floor covered with Rice Krispies, Cheerios & Corn Flakes from one end of the room to the other, & the older lad had his foot inside the inner packaging on top of whatever Rice Krispies weren’t already on the floor. Apparently they decided to make a train track first & were moving onto a game of “squash the cereal” when I interrupted them.

I’m told things start to get easier when the youngest child reaches the age of 5.


You appear to be desperately failing as a parent.


I hope youve got a good eye cream

Get a Grow clock, tell them they’re not allowed up until the sun is up on it.

I’ll sell you two of these cunting yokes @Bandage and a bag of magic beans.

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That was some laugh, the only worthwhile thing about it was the storybook that came with it about the lazy pig who turned his life around

Worked grand for us, granted they’re normally good sleepers though.

Ah I’m sure it has its uses in many houses, mine were never gonna stay in bed on that premise,

Did you get the book about the pig?

I vaguely remember that now. I’m sure it’s still there on the shelf.

Only another 15/30 years of it left,
It’s when u get the call at 2-30 Sunday night/ Mon morning that you’ll realise this daddy stuff is tough going at times.