The Daddy Thread

The 4 year old just said “for fuck sake” in response to her mother.

I jumped into action and headed the investigation like the Garda murder squad would have. Swiftly I led the investigation to its predetermined outcome. “Did you hear that in crèche?” “Who said that in crèche?” And eventually miraculously the crèche was pin pointed as the source.

There’s a 90% chance she heard it off me.

There’s a child in crèche getting the blame and all, but that’s collateral damage.


“Your Honour - he’s blatantly leading the witness!”


Would that be the 4 year old you had with you at the hurling match on Sunday?


Herself said the same thing :joy:


It’s great to see them expand their vocabulary

The young fella’s just in from his 3rd Debs do. Feeling old and jealous


Tell him you went to four

Youll be signing into the granddaddy thread soon at this rate


Had he a different one on the arm at each? He must be broke, or more accurately, you must be broke

He attend his own grad alone as the school doesn’t allow +1’s. Last week he had his Debs arranged separately by the LC committee and took his young lady friend along and she reciprocated last night at her school’s event.
I’m not too badly off. He’s an easy going kid, doesn’t drink, and I have him working so he’s paying his way.


I was lucky to get to my own :slight_smile: .
If only I knew then what I know now. Such is life. I count ourselves very lucky. I wish I could say my 3 have listened to some of my acquired wisdom, but I was never the preachy type. I would do a stop and check myself evaluation when I heard myself sounding like me father.

Some serious shit seems to be going down in Kilkenny.

Nothing like a helicopter doing laps of your house as you’re trying to put the kid to sleep. FML

Edit: I retract the FML. Assumed it was some kind of training exercise. Seems to be coast guard. Someone in the river :frowning_face:

Our house is finished with nappies. Three yr old took it all in her stride and had it within a week.


You’re doing something right if she’s made it to four years old and made her first serious curse now. We’ve a two year old going round cursing like a sailor which is quite embarrassing and not helped by in-laws clapping like seals each time it happens in their presence. I didn’t think our language was that bad at home but maybe it was and we’ve consciously tried to eradicate it but I don’t know how we’re going to stop it now. If anyone had a similar problem with a toddler and managed to knock it on the head I’m all ears.


You reminded me of this :grinning:

One summer a young family moved into a vacant house. One day builders turned up to renovate the vacant house next door. The 5 year old daughter took an interest whilst out playing and the builders adopted her as a mascot and they’d give her little jobs to do to make her feel important and let her sit with them at tea time and lunch breaks and they’d give her biscuits etc.
At the end of the 1st week they even gave her an envelope with €5 in it as ‘pay’.
Her mum was thrilled and as she was going to the bank suggested the little girl start a bank account with her ‘pay’
The teller chatted to the little girl and asked if the money was a birthday present ‘no’ she said ‘I was working all week with the builders working next door’
The teller was very impressed and asked the girl ‘So will you be working with them next week again then?’
‘Dunno’ said the little girl ‘It depends if those cunts from Chadwicks deliver the fucking plasterboard or not’


Clapping like Liam sheedy


Will you go again?

Stop reacting to it is the only answer…if a child gets a laugh from it they will double down…but you know that sure

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Nope, that’s it.

Booked or snip done already?