The Daddy Thread

Baginbun, near Fethard on Sea.

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Congratulations @farmerinthecity hopefully the pictures of pints won’t be too badly affected :smiley:

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Delighted for you @farmerinthecity . You’re a good lad.

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Ah that’s great news. Congrats to all.

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Fuck sake, always making it about yourself


You taught me well old pal

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It’s always about @Mac , even when it isn’t.


Shocking carry on I thought.

‘Well done Farmer and all that but look at my kids!!!’


Good FITC, great news :clap:

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Get used to it pal, the daddy thread is the big leagues

I was actually just too lazy to create a new post. Soz

It’s refreshing to see the forum has moved on from the antiquated, primitive and ultimately futile custom of arbitrarily assigning/inquiring about gender.

Missed this, congrats!!!

Do you need a travel system? Any other aul shite, we’ll all kick in a few bits. I’ve a deluxe high chair here…


Congratulations @farmerinthecity

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Farmer is a lot taller than you

I very much doubt it.

Only seeing this now chief.

Great fucking news :+1:

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You’re 6’11’'? Huh! Your back must be fucked from being down in the dungeon half the day.

No more than than the limp you have from your giant left foot my friend.


Only see this now. Congrats big man. All changed, changed utterly


I’ve a changing unit here free to good home. Or even a bad one.

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