The Daddy Thread


Ah grand, youā€™re tied in so. Wind, hunger, tiredness, lather rinse repeat. Bitta Radiohead singing, nice monotone and low, always worked with mine. Theyā€™re used to your voices the past few months as it is. Chat away and go easy on yourselves. Its all a curve, and the good thing is, they eventually fall asleep, no matter how bad.


Is boxty the only grandparent to post here?

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I used to put ours sitting in those carry chair things up on the washboard of the kitchen sink and run the cold tap. They would settle down listening to the water flow.
(no I never put them under the tapā€¦honest)

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You must be getting there.

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ā€¦ And never mind that noise you heard
Itā€™s just the beasts under your bed
In your closet, in your head



@habanerocat and @Corksfinedtboy anyway as well.


Not at all. I am younger than @balbec

Your kids are older than mine! (Not that that matters of course).

Thatā€™s what can happen when you marry young

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I donā€™t sign in to this thread much at all.
The horror stories.Bad as the new dogā€¦

15 and bit so far,
And Iā€™m to be a great grandfather this year ( pls God)
Not 65 yet


Got a video of my youngest in Crossmaglen Getting his bath in the sink,
My young fella remembers me doing likewise with them and my ma did it with us in the early 60s

Of course I was like a dog when I initially heard ,
The cutty is only turned 18,
Due to start college etc
But sure you canā€™t send them back and Iā€™m happy that abortion didnā€™t come into the equation


White noise is great to lull them to sleep

Loads of different ones on spotify

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Good man, congrats to all the @carryharry family

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Congrats @carryharry pal

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That wouldnā€™t be hard


Congrats @carryharry - no wonder you were looking for snip snip advice a while back!

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I bought the wee lad ā€˜grand theft autoā€™ thereā€¦think it might be a good way to counterbalance all the woke shite heā€™s being taught in school?


You should give it a go yourself too

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