The Daddy Thread

Many of us have been there. Far more than you’d expect. The 2nd pregnancy seems to unearth a whole new level of craziness

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Congrats @cluaindiuic

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Be great craic.

Right on cue


Congrats bud!

Yep, very predictable

Congratulations @Mac

Edit. Apologies. Congratulations @cluaindiuic for some reason I thought it was about @Mac


Basically look what i can afford but @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy can’t even dream of


Afford to offset, crucially.

Bad minded satire from @mac

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Congrats CD! Up the Black & Amber, down the blue and gold!

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He’s at it all the time

In the Pre Labour ward here. I’ll hardly be out for United Villa?


Will she hold out till the 1st?

All the best fella.

She probably would have but lost out on that battle. Pain ruled heart.

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Are they understaffed or something ?

If you get a chance go and pick up todays paper. A nice keepsake in years to come.

Also remember today is not about you and Mrs Cove being Batman and Robin. Today she is both of them and you’re a hubcap on the batmobile.


Fcuk that. It’s all “we’re pregnant” these days. Wimmin can’t be saying that for 9 months and then making out it’s all about them.

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You’ve played a stormer - just don’t go south today, at any time. Ever.

Shocking for underage hurling


Fuck off Fionn Fitz