The Daddy Thread

A thought to all the dads on duty this morning and today. Also a thought to those without their own mams today. Go well lads.

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Tbh I think itā€™s nice that heā€™s publicly showing his affection and love for the man who made him
And obviously nurtured him throughout his formative years
Each to his / her own

Only saw this now
Hope the little person is hale n hearty

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Thanks mate; Mammy has tonsilitis so it has been a hectic few hours to date.

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Feck in hell tough time boy.

Was dropping off Rascal this morning. There are 4 lanes in the yard. I was on the 2nd from inside and always make sure thereā€™s nothing coming from behind as there are a few that donā€™t give a shit. Anyway, coast was clear and he opened the front passenger door and was getting out when this car came on the inside. He swerved on to the path to avoid rascal and car door.

This is a school yard. I was behind him on the way out and I was still processing what he had done. We came to traffic lights and he resisted the urge to run them down so I took the opportunity to get out and knock on his window and explained to him that heā€™d need to cop on in a school yard. He said he was sorry but he hadnā€™t seen him. Told him he must have seen something as he drove up on the path. Got my piece said before the lights turned green. He was roaring at me as I walked back. Rang the school about the cunt.


Cagers are vile

There are cars in a school yard? Wtf?


One way system for drop offs and collections. Used as a yard at break time.

Sounds like that gimp needed a bit of TLC.

Anyone can be unlucky & have an accident, but the amount of wanker cagers I witness putting the foot down & accelerating from 20-30 metres back through traffic lights as they change from orange to red outside the local primary school is staggering. We need more @mikehunt ā€™s in this country.

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We most certainly donā€™t. Unless we wanted the economy to grind to a halt.


Give him a dawk
Cork for a sidewinder

Tis gas all the cunts who have to drive little jonny and sheila all the way to the front door of the school. Lazy parents beget lazy little shits. Park a bit away and give them a bit of exercise.

Mikeā€™s obduracy is surely something to behold.

Why help a colleague out with a task that will take 15 minutes when you can spend two days exchanging messages about why youā€™re unable to assist on this occasion?


Wow. What a word :clap:

i forgive all his footixness because of this - so much respect for him

I donā€™t understand it. Where are they all rushing to?

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Five years ago. Big party this weekend :see_no_evil:

A beautiful, kind, stubborn mule of a girl. Same as her mother. God help me when sheā€™s 15.


Alright. Ye get a like. But fuck away off with this three and an eighth years ago shite