The Daddy Thread

Which hospital did u go to?


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Just rob a piebald for the genuine experience.

We have a lad who supply the sulky

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I’m in an awful way… We graduated pre school today. She got all the words and actions to the songs completely out of sync but the teachers still had to step in and wipe away my tears .


Don’t worry, she can just rebrand for Primary School, then after a few years of causing wreck, rebrand again.


Work are ramping up the pressure about putting in overtime. As I explained to them, unfortunately, because the kids are the age they are it’s just not possible right now. I told them that overtime might be an option in time and I would let them know when things changed. I was told I wasn’t the only person with young kids and that they did overtime.

They set me up for the @Fagan_ODowd tap in.



“Yeah but have you seen state of their wife + kids? You wouldnt be rushing home either”


Like those lads who take up crossing the Atlantic alone in a bath as a hobby. Home life must be a mare.


‘Its not my problem if others choose to prioritise work over their family’ is the answer you need to be barking back with there

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Can’t say fairer than that

Not sure if it’s common elsewhere but we got notification from the junior infants teacher recently that they were going to do time capsules to be opened when the kids are finishing 6th class.

So get a Pringles or Flahavan’s Porridge tube or whatever & select some things to pop into it with your boy. Maybe a little toy or some art they made or even write them a letter.

I was saying to my life partner last week that I felt quite emotional when I read the email, as I’m a sensitive sort (even though everyone on TFK thinks I’m really, really tough).

I was thinking back to when he was born, the years whizzing by since & hoping we’re all happy & healthy by the time he gets to open the time capsule. All these memories, hopes & fears zipping around my brain. She was laughing & calling me a harmless simpleton. Yet roll on to tonight & she’s here bawling her eyes out writing him a letter for the capsule.

I genuinely don’t know how we do it in fairness.


Don’t forget to save the word doc to the cloud


She was right about wan thing.
In other news hoppy did LC business today. 12 came and went. 1 came and went 2 came.
Fcuk it, I rang him.
How did it go?
Have you rung your mother?
No. Should I do you think?

And it’s me gets it in the neck.

Anyhow, he rang his mother, who didn’t answer the phone because she was in a spa day.


You fucking fanny

Only joking bro x

He’s a fucking fanny alright

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It doesn’t be long passing. I got a “fantastic” post once upon a time for relaying how I conned my kids into going to bed and hour earlier so I could watch a rubby game in peace on the telly…

Last night when I got home from work the young lad (8) asked me to come out to talk about the euros…and when I did he told me he gave a girl a love letter today that said ILY and she agreed to walk around the yard with him next week but he was having second thoughts because the buddies were slagging him…oh lawd


Yeah a waxed closed useless wan