The Daddy Thread

Congratulations @Bandage

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I’ve no funny quip but heartfelt congratulations to brother and mother. And yourself of course.

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Congratulations on getting her cornered again @Bandage!

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Congrats @Bandage

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I got a cold fright there the other day. It was the daughters birthday and she got a new bike. She was out cycling with her brother and he was gone around the corner and was parked up, sitting on saddle with feet on ground, waiting for her. She was lifting down the estate with no helmet, out of the saddle sprinting tour de france job. I could see the whole scene unfolding in slow motion and was out the door and half way down to them roaring at her to slow down…

Bang anyway straight into her brother and he a sitting duck. Blood everywhere his head destroyed and her knee in tatters not a bit of skin left on it. I did a quick triage and figured he was in worse shape and she had to walk/hobble/bawl the 100 yards home with knee pissing blood. It was like a scene from Vietnam with me carrying the lad screaming at the top of his voice blood pouring from his head and he shouting that his arm was broken

Outcome anyway her wounds were superficial. Stemmed the blood flow from her knee and sent her away somewhere I couldn’t hear the howling. Young lad had a bump the size of a mandarin orange on his forehead and it was scraped to shit. His arm and wrist were completely limp and had swollen. He wouldnt let me near them.

Rang my mother anyway to mind the girl and she arrived and off I went to CUH with the lad. Change of clothes bag packed etc. Gave him a good dose of nurofen for the pain before I left. Id say i wasnt gone 5 miles before he started talking shit about gecko garage as high as a fucking kite from the nuro. We land into CUH anyway and he swings himself up onto the chair with his ‘broken arm’ …2 hours later en route home again after an x ray confirmed the inevitable fact i knew in my heart the minute we arrived…fuck the bit wrong with him


You did the right thing.

Apart from the bit where you left them out of your sight. And the bit where you left a child on a bicycle without a helmet.


Didnt leave them out of my sight at all. Correct on the helmet but they are up and down off the bike 200 times a day. I was also WFH so it is fair to say I wasn’t on full watch. Lesson learned


The McCann’s are being vilified for doing less.


I’m on hold here with TUSLA


Congrats @Bandage and to your life partner. Two boys = house wreaked!

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Ok I’ll be the first

It’s a pity you don’t know a nurse you could have contacted to assess the damage.

In all seriousness I feel your pain - junior has started cycling and he can’t comprehend why he can’t cycle on the road with the other cyclists, constantly watching him.


Great news @Bandage. Congrats to all.

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Thank fuck his neighbours have been minding his kids for the last few months.


And needlessly wasting hse resources

Take him to the Baldoyle Portmarnock Greenway

The car pool was busy at the time so I put him into the trailer and cycled the 30 miles to CUH. Must have been the fresh air cured him. At least I didnt burn any diesel :+1:


Congratulations @Bandage

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Congrats @Bandage that’s great news.

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Thank you for the good wishes, INTERNET friends. :+1:


Book in the :scissors: for next week. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would never forgive you if you had a third kid.