The Daddy Thread

Cheers lads


Great news

Congrats bud and best wishes to the missus

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Congratulations fella. Best wishes to all

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Aboy the Locke congrats

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Congrats to you all. Great news to wake up to this morning.

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Congratulations @Locke. Youā€™re a great age to be still fathering children. Almost Bernie Ecclestonesque at this stage.


Congratulations @Locke

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45 is the new 30 sure!!!

Congrats Locke.
What seems to be the average sized family for those in their 40s these days? I thought 2 kids was going to become more the norm with our generation but quite a few 3s and even 4s around as time passes among my peers. No 5s that I know of yet though.

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@locke has five now mate


A good number

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There was a fella over the road from my grandparents. Heā€™d have been a cousin of my grandfatherā€™s actually. Anyway, back in the day (c. 50-55 years ago) his Mrs gave birth to their 15th child. On the way back from Nenagh he said that theyā€™d stop into Nelly Spillaneā€™s for a few pints as it would be a while before the next one.

A ferociously lazy man. His wife was a saint. My grandmother was saying she could make a dinner to feed them all out of nothing.

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You the same?

Hey kid,
Just reading this now. Congrats , you dirty dog :wink:

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Iā€™m one of 5 as is my father. There was 7 (seven) kids in my mothers family.

I was one of five as well.

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Did us no harm

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Five was an average size family in those days.

Iā€™m one of 5 too. :thinking::thinking: