The Daddy Thread

You’ve put on a few pounds since the last time you posted that, but you haven’t changed your jocks.

What’s jocks? :grin: Na same weight, fell off a ladder so had to lay off some stuff temp, back in action , never go above 4/5 kg extra , only worry ref heart if my trousers get tight, old man died of a banger at 52 so awareness of carrying extra weight is always rhei

Weight isn’t everything. Get a few tests done to be on the safe side.

Don’t do that again.


You need a bra, brah.

Don’t be needy pal


Did, we’ve cancer big time in the family so get the prostate etc done regular, thanks

He sucking the gut in too.

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Is that a hairy woman or a semi naked man on your arm


That made me lol.

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I step away for a spot of lunch (chicken and chorizo soup cc @Thomas_Brady) and think this place cannot get crazier

Have we jumped the shark or something? Doing breast feeding tips now?


Congrats @Big_Dan_Campbell :clap: :clap:

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Can we change this title to the Body Issues Thread?


Wtf has happened to this thread.

Cork Weirdo ruins it for everyone yet again…


Great news today lads, baby Anna is finally getting to come home after a few days in Crumlin and a few days in icu in Galway. Its been a long hard week. We we very lucky when you see some of the kids in Crumlin. The staff are unbelievable… I’m a happy happy man today even after seen a half naked @Corksfinedtboy :joy::joy:


Brilliant news, pal.

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