The Daddy Thread

Great news pal … Now show us your tits.




Congrats @Big_Dan_Campbell and also @Faldo, it’s Ben a tough few days for you.

The donegal case I’d heartbreaking, to lose one child is unimaginable but.,

I was on Clonea beach last week when a child went missing, I was coming back from the shop and passed a bit of a hubbub with a frantic mother, I tried t get involved in the search, got a description of the child, little girl Ava, 4 years old, very blonde hair, blue swim suit.
Anyway the mother is getting increasingly frantic, at one stage she was close to the shore and heard somebody call ‘Ava’ from in the water, just somebody looking for a response, anyway the mother absolutely panics when she heard that coming from the water, just runs in screaming the name, at this stage a lifeguard arrives holding the little girl by the hand, when she finds the mother and is picked up and cuddled my heart absolutely broke, I sobbed a little the whole way back,
By God, the love you’d have for your child is just so intense, impossible to describe, you have it the moment they’re born and I’m sure it never leaves you even a little.

Congrats to the new dads again, sorry for the sceal, I never even said anything to my wife, don’t even know why? I don’t think I could have done it justice


Our eldest went missing for about 90 seconds on the very crowded foodcourt of Dundrum shopping centre about a year ago. The sheer level of irrational thoughts that went through my head in such a short space of time is unexplainable


It’s a horrible nightmarish feeling

I was nearly running to security to tell them to block all the exits as I convinced myself he was snatched. Of course there’s very little chance that could be the case but you don’t even think of that.

I think security would get this a lot and would be all over it

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Jealousy is great, love it

Little Derbhla went walkabout in Mahon Point a few years ago. I’d say 5 mins of panic with Ben & Jerry in tow. She was in the red bus thingy over by the cinema entrance for a finish, the relief!

Our eldest did a Houdini on it on Holidays last year. Thought it was fucking hilarious, the wife wasn’t right for 2 days.

Maybe it’s an urban legend but I’ve heard tales of exits being locked in America for missing kids

Going to a steward and describing in exact detail the clothes your friend is wearing, name, hair and eye colour and they were missing was a good way to pass a slow game back in the day.

We did it and stopped when one day some lady had found a child wearing a blue denim shirt, grey jeans, white Adidas trainers with brown hair and blue eyes.

Congratulations @codegreen


Aboy the kid.

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Congrats @Big_Dan_Campbell ya miserable cunt.

Which of the boys will get the godfather job?

Two new additions!? A great day.


Congrats to all the recent pops

Congrats lads