The Daddy Thread

Congrats buddy. You are more than a bystander if youā€™ve 4 other kids at home! Fair play


fucks sake juhy, give his missus a break

congrats to all!

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Donā€™t think yesterday was the day to broach it with herself covered in blood, sweat, tears and puke.

Weā€™re blessed to have the three. However in our heart of hearts I know we both would like another. The three so far are all in some way called after their grandparents. It would be nice to finish the set. If it happens, brilliant. If it doesnā€™t, itā€™s no biggie. As I said we are blessed with what we have and know many couples who are struggling to have one.


I was counting Mammy and Daddy as part of the family.

Great post

Congrats pal, great news in these tough times.

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Iā€™ve two and the thoughts of another :face_vomiting:

Congrats pal.

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Fuck it why stop there, a good old fashioned drive for five is on the cards


Iā€™ve mentioned it before, but I have two boys and Iā€™m constantly shattered since the second one arrived in June. Now I think it would be good to have a daughter for purely selfish reasons. Sheā€™d surely be more inclined to look after me in old age, which would be important as Iā€™ve a terrible lazy streak. But I measure that against the tough early months. You hear idiots saying a little coo or a smile makes up for them puking down your top when youā€™re gently rocking them to sleep on your shoulder. Would I be able to go through it a third time? And what if itā€™s another boy? Plus Iā€™m getting on and will be 40 next year. Thereā€™s a lot of risk for the possible reward.


Not having a daughter to look after you in your dotage is a dangerous move. Iā€™d be going again there as quick as you can. Time isnt on your side.


I guess I can take inspiration from the likes of @Locke. Heā€™s touching 50 and welcomed another bundle of joy lately.

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You might have the two, but it you has the thoughts of another?

When I see the two nephews, 3-5 - boys are a fucking nightmare - theyā€™re stupid bastards that want to see what happens when you kick a dog or throw an object at a window. Girls will bring their own worry in time no doubt, but they seem to be streets ahead of boys at the younger stages. It will be all different in a few years when youre jokingly handing your boys condoms as they go out for a night out - telling them to ā€˜go nail her, sonā€™ā€¦ Iā€™ll be loading up two double barrels at that stage.


My last 3 (three) children have been female. Iā€™m going to be well looked after when Iā€™m even older than I am now. Iā€™d hate to be, say, 39 and only have boys in the family unit. Sure they carry on your family name and you get to be immortal but are they going to mind you when you are in your 80ā€™s/90ā€™s? Not a hope.


With sons you worry, with daughters you pray.


He better hope the lads have granddaughters pronto

Heā€™s screwed every which way.

He only has to worry about two pricks.
Youā€™ll have to worry about every prick in the town.


And Cork pricks at that ā€¦ fuckā€¦