The Daddy Thread

Lovely stuff.

The worst thing now is, youā€™ll get used to your full nights sleep, and then itā€™ll all start back again.

Enjoy it.

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Enjoy it while you can mate. Awake for 4 hours last night with our one year old. The teething and colds are in full swing and she has a chesty dose at the moment, so is having trouble sleeping comfortably. Had to give her a bottle at half 4 to calm her down, the first time that has happened in 7 or 8 months.

Weā€™ve had two weeks of a cold here. Last night was a joy.

You do whatever it takes and take solace in the fact that its minor in the grand scheme of things, and that all this shall pass.

Thereā€™s lads here with genuine parenting difficulties and my heart truly goes out to them. The rest of us have fuck all to be concerned about. And thats not a cut off you, just a there but for the grace of god and all that.


Youngest is over three (3) months, getting 8-8 for the past two weeks. Weā€™re like different people with the sleep.

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I donā€™t know how ye do it lads.

Fennel tea is key.

Iā€™ve read these posts by @Big_Dan_Campbell, @Locke and @caulifloweredneanderthal about babies sleeping through the night and the triumphalism is frankly disgusting. It reminds me of orange order members goading Garvaghy Road residents while marching up the road in the mid 1990s. Despicable!

On the other hand, Iā€™m bollixed. The 5-month old is still waking up at least once, and often twice, during the night. And about 6-8 weeks ago, the 2-year old decided that 5am would be his new wake up time. This briefly changed to a 3.45am-4.15am window for a few days after the clocks went back, but heā€™s back giving us the courtesy of 5am calls now.

I actually admire the improvement in his vocabulary over the period. Itā€™s gone from strained shouts of ā€œUp! Up! Up!ā€ to matter of fact sentences ā€œIā€™m getting up Daddy! Iā€™m getting up Daddy!ā€ There is no comforting him or persuading him to nod off again; heā€™s wide awake and mad to play.

Weā€™ve bought books, listened to podcasts, watched You Tube advice, spoken to other parents and, despite knowing/trying all the theories, we canā€™t get him back to a normal sleeping pattern.

Itā€™s so drastic that I donā€™t even have time to do my morning shit before I need to get up with him. Sometimes I canā€™t hold it in and I have to take a shit with him sitting on the bathroom floor looking at me. He then asks for tissue and mimics me wiping my hole, even though heā€™s wearing his pyjamas. He then flushes the toilet for me, I look at my phone and itā€™s 5.34am or something.

We were down at Griffith Park Playground on Sunday morning at 8.15am having already been up for over 3 hours. I was in a complete daze and it wasnā€™t entirely due to the Wexford display the night before. My tiredness levels are off the charts and I donā€™t have the stamina to get into ONLINE arguments anymore. Something definitely has to give.

I genuinely donā€™t know how Iā€™m doing it.


It was short lived mate, if thatā€™s any consolation.
Last night our wan had croup :slightly_frowning_face:

Yeah, thereā€™s fuck all you can do.

Buckle in lads. Theyā€™ll decide as to what suits them.

My two year old daughter is exactly the same.



Heā€™s napping for too long during the day. Cut them out you lunatic.

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Do what Hannibal did to the Romans, you control his supply lines and starve him into submission.

(The Romans never submitted, but he pissed them off for 15 years)


Croppy Junior 1 aged 3 sleeping 7-6.30am at the age of three, Croppy Junior 2 aged 1 Sleeping 7pm to 5.30am - fair bit of stirring during the night due to constant teething.

Hold tight, itā€™ll be behind you soon.

Croppy Step son aged 17 would sleep 20 hours in the day if we let him.


Youā€™ll have to get in the sleep consultant mate

Makes no difference to our one. Cut naps, later to bed. No difference.

Are you mad! The nap in the middle of the day is the one bit of respite and hope to hang onto.

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Our wan just stopped with the naps most days. Is wrecked by 7 and goes to the stairs to head up to bed. If we let her nap, itā€™s not so easy.

Itā€™s different for each kid/household though

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Our near three yr old isnā€™t napping for the three days she goes to pre-school so sheā€™s ready for sleep come 7pm. Sheā€™ll nap for 1.5 hours the days sheā€™s at home but it doesnā€™t effect her going to bed at 7pm. She has never kicked up about it. We have a great routine which Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve discussed before and off she goes to sleep for 12 hours. Maybe girls are better than boys?? I donā€™t know.

Our little lad was a monster for this shit. Donā€™t let him watch screens too late. Make sure he gets fresh air. They are two hail Maryā€™s though. Good luck. Ours went on til he was about 4. Itā€™s the reason we never had more kids. It still happens sometimes. Good luck.

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