The Daddy Thread

Don’t go into to him straight away. Let him cry it out a bit and see what happens. Difficult I know with a 2nd child in the house and mothers can’t usually stomach the sound of a child screaming.

But if you go running to him every time he cries, you are just re-enforcing in his head that every time he cries, you will automatically be there. A dangerous road.


I haven’t slept in 15 months.


Sleep is for the weak

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Chin up. You probably have only another 60 odd months of this if only have 1 more kid.

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He could give the cleaner a go at minding the child and make her earn her €50 a hour.

From day 1 our little witch just wanted to be up in the arms and no matter what we did she’d only settle there. She wakes 2 times a night still for comfort and a diddy… Let’s hope the next 5 are different.

Glad to see you still get it, even if occasionally.

@Bandage - do you have a Gro Clock?

If not, then get one and you can thank me later.

Found it an awful gimmick tbh

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Think I used to have one of these to switch on and off the lights when I was using hydroponics to grow weed in a wardrobe…


Try it on the kids next time

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Can I smash them over the head with it?

The basement will be awful dark if you do that



That’s fine for your wife but how does your daughter sleep?

My eldest presses the switch herself, saunters in proclaiming its time to get up.

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Put it up higher

The might find it easier to sleep if they weren’t living above a bus depot

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I won’t sleep any better in the hospital

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The only useful thing about the Gro-Clock was the great book that came with it about the grumpy pig who wouldn’t go to bed when he should until he got a clock of his own, great book.

When they’re babies you’ll do anything to get them to sleep, when they’re toddlers you’ll do anything to keep them awake in the daytime, anybody who insists on allowing them a nap in the daytime can’t be whining if they don’t sleep at night.