The Dating Thread - Part II

They were the most expensive at Wests Awake a few years ago (2019 I think). That was when they were only starting and they were on early

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Even if they got them next year, they’d still only be an early act for The Rebel Hearts.

I think they were first on that day

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Joe Clarke, their manager, would be a good man to make a few pound so don’t think everything is going into their pockets.

Joe had/has a friend called Slime back in the day. The yarn going around was that Joe would turn in the pre social media era (late 90s - early 00s) to big rural nightclubs up the country in the likes of Mayo or Monaghan. Joe would have booked them a big international DJ. Sure nobody knew what Tall Paul or whoever it was looked like so Slime would take to the decks and the boys would allegedly pocket a big payday!

Joe is a sound enough fella from my dealings with him, but knows how to make a few bob as well.


Surely any young fella going to this would only be going to get his leg over.

I also need to give a friend some guidance here

Ha! There’s a blast from the past!

I think i know the cunt… Did he have the bleached hair look at one stage?

Shaved head is all I recall him having. Went back to school in his mid 20s I think which I thought was admirable.

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Right one for @peddlerscross

What did you expect when you didn’t throw up a picture of her?

Put a green bow on the small fella

That’s the boyo

Ah yeah, i actually have him now…a blast from the past

And they’ve a big enough team around them AFAIK. They’ve just moved into a new studio up in the Industrial estate in Cahir. Fair play to them though.

There were a few women in my college course who must have found this app and gone with the intro: Looking for an inter-county player in the Limerick/Tipp region. Ideally a hurler. Worked a charm for them.

I’d imagine @glenshane would be on the lookout for a former prodigy like himself who had adult football conquered at a young age. An exotic version of Cora Staunton maybe.

Any version of Cora Staunton is relatively exotic.

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I’ve been outdone big time :sob:


You’re fucked now

Arrested Development Mistake GIF