The Dating Thread - Part II

Best way to get over a bird is get under another (or several).

Dear Frankie wouldn’t spill out a load of bilge to beat that.




I knew you would not be able to resist, Miss Havisham.

The lad will be fine — It sounds like she is using her college placement as an excuse - it’s 9 months and only up the road. As much as he doesnt want to hear it, he needs her to be honest so he can move on and not be kept strung along for a few months until he finds out she is seeing someone else. A break me bollox …

He needs to go out and ate the growler off a rake of young wans and he’ll be grand.

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Stick her in a cellar, @myboyblue could lend you his for a while.


i think my initial response dealt with the issue, about 40 posters have repeated what I said but have sugar-coated it and as is the TFK way brought their own experience into it which as with all TFK experiences happened to turn out brilliantly

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No sign of @Horsebox despite my attempts to get him involved. But his remains the best dating advice ever given on TFK.


This does not work at all.

Take time, reflect and recalibrate.

Copper pipe will be 100%.

He is actuallt asking and opening up. Great to see.

How many here wpuld have done the same at 22?


+1. He seems like a sound, well clued in and generally a very decent lad.

I’m just a bit pissed off he fucked off over to with his issue too. We have all bases covered here.

he did and all

& it looks like @padjo’s new girlfriend is posting there too

Will you stop tagging me, you pox


Just put him on ignore.

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It’s difficult to know where to start with this…

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@padjo 's missus is a cunt. He’d be well shot of her.


Surprised noone has suggested @Copper_pipe throws his stash of intimate footage up on snapchat?

Isn’t that the done thing these days?

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Maybe rocko could move it to the correct forum, like weddingsonline or mumsnet

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No one told him to shove his thumb up his hole either. Very mature really.

