The Dating Thread - Part II

Stick a fork in it. It’s done.
Go have a bit of craic for yourself now, and remember:


That’s a shit situation to be in @Copper_pipe but it’s one I think most of us have been through. Walk away from it, great advice by Kev and a few others of don’t contact her, let her come to you. She’s calling the shots and the only way to get back any of the initiative is for her to come to you. 4 years is a long time and it probably feels like your world is coming in but by the sounds of it she’s her mind made up.
I’m sure she’s a lovely girl and all but you have time on your side. 22, ffs the damage I was doing at that age was untold! Give yourself the time to straighten up, keep active and get back out there. Experience life, experience women and be true to yourself.
Best of luck with it all. Keep talking, get out with the pals and wear a condom!!


let’s hope he doesn’t make a doormat of himself.

And leave the phone in your pocket!

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You lucky lucky bastard!


I was thinking the same. Don’t often have regrets in life but Jaysus it would be great to be 22 again…

With 40 year old knowledge though.


Best of luck @Copper_pipe, if it’s any consolation I met my amazing beautiful wife while on a similarish break when an ex went to Germany to study for a year, 4 years is a mighty long time at your age but you’ll get by, sounds to me like she thinks it’s finished but isn’t prepared to hurt you by saying so straight up.

Could you not just have said, ‘I met my wife,’ you incredible pain in the hole of a man.


I knew it would annoy you mate, I could be married to a wagon in which case my point would have been invalid, some things that happen are for the best

So if he breaks up now he’ll find an amazing beautiful wife? You constantly try to portray a perfect idyllic life, which is pretty sad. I’ve no problem with your wife being amazing and beautiful but there was no need for you to shoehorn it in there.

He just might, you seem fierce bothered about my life mate, I don’t portray it as idyllic at all, you seem obsessed with knocking it though which actually is quite sad.

Who’s Mr Grumpy on a Monday morning?

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Don’t be lashing out because you married a monster from Adare just for her land.


No, you life is of little concern to me, just highlighting your vanity for the hundredth time.

I’m the monster with the land.


deary me

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Mate were you not there the day @backinatracksuit inadvertently put up a photo with his Mrs in it? She is amazing and beautiful; he was merely stating a fact

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You’ll be all right pal. It’s tough when a relationship breaks down. Give her the chance to miss you would be my advice.

Don’t let her be reckless with your feelings. Stay fit. Stay engaged in job or college. Be open to meet new people but not obsessed about it. Send her a Christmas card and meet her over Christmas to see where she is at - she will always be a special person in your history and formative years. If you chase her relentlessly it is counter productive but do check in with her so at least you know you did later on. Be respectful of the good times.

Very few people stay with their teenage girlfriend and there is a reason for that.

You will be fine.