The Dating Thread - Part II

I’ve a tiny bit of timber over the lockdown drinking but nothing major

Oh lord no. He was chasing an old flame recently. So I was wondering if it was her or a new acquaintance.

A new friend

After Normal People. A chain has to feature.

Do you have a miraculous medal you could put on it.


She made it clear religion is off the table

She’ll be on her knees in worship

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It made his whole week as I recall.

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Something nice and casual, like what “The Cobra” has on here

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Clothes anyway. Thats always a good start

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4pm tommorrow. I’m shitting myself but I’m going. The tfk 5k is on the backburner now. Its will be Monday. Maybe…


Is there anywhere you’d get a handy Mass in the morning? Light a candle or two…
'Twould give you unrale purpose and clarity of thought.
She’d be putty in your hands you’d imagine. Good luck in your endeavours.

Shorts and t shirt be grand. Hope it goes well for you

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I’ve a lovely pair of shorts and a pink Hawaiian shirt.

It’s not leo you’re meeting?

Tasotti is not a chav, so, depending on the nature of the preliminaries I’d be expecting him to be presenting himself in a suitable ensemble befitting his status.
We’re not in the land of “Paddy, the man from behind the mixer” here.

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T shirts and shorts does not make one a chav. Look at the weather out there , casual first date, be grand

Is this the bumble one or the long lost love?

You need to read posts in full before offering opinions.

Best of luck @Tassotti. A bulletproof coffee in the morning will set you up nicely for it. Top it up with some ionized alkaline water to get the thinking clear

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You’d be as well off doing the 5k in the morning. Better than having a good wank before meeting her.