The Dating Thread - Part II

My, my, how the years have flown…
Now it’s all colic, crèche and bread stuffing.


courting has gone full circle, i imagine first dates more similar to your day than first dates only 2 years ago

It all seems like terrible hard work. I’ll take the slippers and the pipe lads. Carry on yereselves there

I don’t know how they do it.

I’ve had an ex who has been in contact with me during the Lockdown.

She finished things a while back, she said she didn’t feel strongly about me and I really liked her.

Anyway I indulge her modestly whenever she texts but I don’t feel she has any serious interest in rekindling things (think she is just lonely with lockdown) so I haven’t bothered ever to initiate a conversation back. Anyway the gaps have been getting longer and I think she is getting a bit frustrated I’m not making more an effort.

So she was texting me this evening and I was probably slightly less engaging maybe than I normally would and she got very passive aggressive and pretty much ended the convo straight away which pissed me off.

So being the type of guy who likes to turn the other cheek and let bygone be bygones.

I decided to respond BY CALLING HER OUT ON IT.

I’m furious now, absolutely raging - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Please review this so we can understand and crack a few jokes at your expense.

The Hunter has become the Hunted.

If you go for a run now you may well beat @Thomas_Brady time

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What does calling her out mean?

A tuna never had a son that bate an O’Donnell

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I basically gave her a piece of my mind.

You know when we are talking about Ulster football and I’m fucking motoring yeah?

Like that.


Made a video while wearing a vest and challenged her to a fight



“Pretty much ended the convo which pissed me off”…There’s the issue.

You’re not compatible with people who don’t agree with you or aren’t in for the long over and back discourses that you enjoy.
Basically, she’s moved the goalposts and you’re seething. It’s called karma.


I got the convo going again when I gave her a piece of my mind.

But she ended it with a kind of sorry, not sorry reply.

Anyway, I suppose that ends that.

You’re growing as a poster and a man.

That self awareness Was beyond you a few years ago.

Chalk it down to experience. Her loss.



Add a few of us to the chat there.

Sounds like ye are a great match


Apart from the “sorry” bit.

No one knows more about wimmin than me @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy. I generally keep my own counsel here…because most lads prefer chick flick cliches to genuine wisdom and insight.
However I sense that you’re in a more receptive place now and according to one of my favourite Buddhist teachings, ‘when the pupil is ready the master will appear’.
Tell me more about this altercation, I’m sure I can help

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