The Defense Forces/Cadetship

A source informs me that they are crying out for public admin graduates to join and become officers

Have the balubas got hold of a cannon yet?

Would you get any kind of “upgrade” going in as a graduate?

honestly don’t know, but presume it would stand to me…

The way Pukey has ‘cased’ the Limerick pub scene makes me think he’d be a superb leader in an urban theatre of war. If the yanks had only reconnoitered Mogadishu the way Puke had bivouaced around Limerick they wouldn’t have had so many downed Black Hawks that time.

A lot of gay stuff goes down in armies, lads away from women for so long etc etc.

In work have heard some downright disgusting stories on what British army soldiers get up to.

Moral of the story be warned. They might pay for a Masters but if you want to leave before your time is up you have to pay them back. A current Galway footballer was left with a very steep bill apparently

There was an cadet in UCG in my era, the man must have been 20 stone, huge beer belly on him. I thought he’d have got the Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann treatment, but seemingly it was ok for fighting men to be bigger than Gomer Pyle.

[quote=“KIB man”]A lot of gay stuff goes down in armies, lads away from women for so long etc etc.

In work have heard some downright disgusting stories on what British army soldiers get up to.

Moral of the story be warned. They might pay for a Masters but if you want to leave before your time is up you have to pay them back. A current Galway footballer was left with a very steep bill apparently[/quote]

I am aware that you have to buy yourself out and if you get a dishonourable discharge you are pretty much fucked for the rest of your life…

A friend of a friend of a friend joined as a private(or whatever the equivalent is here) and he says it is handy enough, he is stations in Sarsfields barracks and spends half his time running the bar, said lads can bring a bird back to the barracks if they please…

Isn’t Art Foley in the army? Or some sort of militia? You should ask him Pukey.

Intelligence is the thing to be in I reckon. Do we have an equivalent of MI5 in Ireland?

My mate Mick did 3 months in Cork Prison for going awol from the army. Was a member of the army band and fooked off one weekend when they were playing at some event and went to Australia the next week. Came back a couple of years later and was arrested. :eek:

Art is in the Queen’s Own Wexford Foot. A light infantry brigade. Yet to receive their orders for the 18th Afghan war.

My mate Mick is a lunatic. He murdered a spic and tore off his dick. The fucker is sick so I gave him a kick. A new mate Rick I did pick.

The cadets are tough enough to get into, but with a degree you probably have a better chance then a School leaver… It’s a series of Interviews / test and fitness trials etc

The Army is easier but again is fairly selective these days… However the army, if accepted, would be willing to pay for you to do a masters or learn a trade provided you give them back 3 years once you have completed it… Some good money to be made serving away with the U.N for a young single guy.

[quote=“ChocolateMice”]The cadets are tough enough to get into, but with a degree you probably have a better chance then a School leaver… It’s a series of Interviews / test and fitness trials etc
The Army is easier but again is fairly selective these days… However the army, if accepted, would be willing to pay for you to do a masters or learn a trade provided you give them back 3 years once you have completed it… Some good money to be made serving away with the U.N for a young single guy.[/quote]

Are there fitness trials??? I was in college with a cadet who was the size of a dacent bungalow

Whats a dacent bungalow?

Initially yes… But like the rest of irish society they are probably lax about keeping standards.

Your Ma …

It’s a thing they have out the country…It’s like a flat but bigger and on the ground and has a garden and there’s no stairs for anyone to sell drugs on

Your Ma
