The Defense Forces/Cadetship



Cadets would be a nice number when you finally get to be an officer and get a nice post in some barracks like Rathmines…but i’d say the training is tough…i know the cadets get serious stick off the army lads…they hate eachother by all accounts…the cadets would be more educated and disciplined to start with whereas the army soldiers would have a few lads who needed the disciplining that the army gives…saw the army playing the cadets in a football match out in the phoenix park one time and it was filthy…i’d say it was the nearest to war a few of them will ever get…
Pukey the French foreign legion is the place for you I reckopn…:thumbsup:

The legion would get Pukey off that drink driving misunderstanding, no questions asked.

[quote=“scumpot”]Cadets would be a nice number when you finally get to be an officer and get a nice post in some barracks like Rathmines…but i’d say the training is tough…i know the cadets get serious stick off the army lads…they hate eachother by all accounts…the cadets would be more educated and disciplined to start with whereas the army soldiers would have a few lads who needed the disciplining that the army gives…saw the army playing the cadets in a football match out in the phoenix park one time and it was filthy…i’d say it was the nearest to war a few of them will ever get…
Pukey the French foreign legion is the place for you I reckopn…:thumbsup:[/quote]

Most Army lads wouldn’t have a prayer of being accepted into the cadets…hence the acrimony.

Sad to see An Bord Snip calling for the scrapping of the Army Equitation School given the country was well able to keep it going in the grim 1930s. When our local boy Mickey Noonan was minister for defence he named all the horses ‘Meanus’, ‘Boherard’ etc. :pint: Added great presige to the area.

Can you ride a horse Pukey?

I never realised there was a difference. I thought the cadets was just the training ground before joining the army. Looks like I was wrong, very wrong.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Sad to see An Bord Snip calling for the scrapping of the Army Equitation School given the country was well able to keep it going in the grim 1930s. When our local boy Mickey Noonan was minister for defence he named all the horses ‘Meanus’, ‘Boherard’ etc. :pint: Added great presige to the area.

Can you ride a horse Pukey?[/quote]

Those snotty cunts giving thier days ridin around on state owned nags that nobody gives a shit about is the first thing that should be given the bullet by an Bord Snip,off to Eritrea(nobody in the army wants to go there apparently) with Capt Shane Carey and his horsey buddies give them a taste of some honest to goodness peacekeeping,give it a few Months of dodging landmines and the horses will be long gone out of thier minds.Freeloading bastards with big shot notions at all our expense.

The Chip Walsh? :pint:

Maybe on this occasion,i love horseracing but these showjumping types bug me in a big way,especially cunts who are doing it with money that would be better served being spent on GAA clubhouses etc:thumbsup:


disband the pig band too

the army shouldnt be doing any recruitment whatsoever - we are a neutral country why the fuck do we need an army?[quote=“north county corncrake”]:pint:

disband the pig band too

the army shouldnt be doing any recruitment whatsoever - we are a neutral country why the fuck do we need an army?[/quote]

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Sad to see An Bord Snip calling for the scrapping of the Army Equitation School given the country was well able to keep it going in the grim 1930s. When our local boy Mickey Noonan was minister for defence he named all the horses ‘Meanus’, ‘Boherard’ etc. :pint: Added great presige to the area.

Can you ride a horse Pukey?[/quote]

Ah, Noonan, how I miss him. He was the “Think of the children Albert” one wasn’t he?

From the Southern part of the county of course. The northern half holds no truck with oppresive millitary actions, or for that matter, light infantry. We like big guns.

No that was Gerry Collins, back from Dunph country.

Give it up Puke
If you didn’t know there was a difference between entering as a cadet and entering as a regular you are fucked
If you’d even consider entering as a regular you’re fucked
Basically you’re fucked, full stop.

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Give it up Puke
If you didn’t know there was a difference between entering as a cadet and entering as a regular you are fucked
If you’d even consider entering as a regular you’re fucked
Basically you’re fucked, full stop.[/quote]




:smiley: surely

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Give it up Puke
If you didn’t know there was a difference between entering as a cadet and entering as a regular you are fucked
If you’d even consider entering as a regular you’re fucked
Basically you’re fucked, full stop.[/quote]
