The depression thread

A politician at least pretends to be empathetic. I’m all for positive thinking etc but that sort of guff is the last thing you need to hear from anyone while the black dog is about, nevermind a supposedly qualified therapist.

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Ah in fairness I’d say she had empathy. I just find that treatment style useless. Like them all.

Anyway I’m not mentioning this anymore. I’m spamming up the board

Lads when depression hits its each to their own in terms of getting through it. There is no magic formula. What felt right today may not feel right tomorrow. For the most part you push on through like loads of things in life.

What makes it particularly nasty in my experience is that it affects your thoughts, the main one being that I am going to be like this forever. A horrible emotion is powering those negative thoughts and it needs to run its course. How do you stay in the eye of a storm - you manage as best as you can.

Depression at its core is a mood disorder. When you are in a bad mood you may dismiss thoughts and actions as being as a result of the mood, knowing that the mood will pass. Depression is like a much more painful, relentless version of this.

I think.


Maybe but it sounds like she’s not very good at her job but is likely charging a sizeable fee.

I had a therapist once who asked me to say how I felt in the voice of Donald Duck.


Reminds me of this fella.


She sounds like a right quack. Sorry @Julio_Geordio



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:clap:t4: One of the greatest bit part characters ever put on tv.


Ah you’re not. If the venting helps in any small way at all keep at it.


Farmer Rubs his chest

“I’m feeling a little down”


Jeez that’s one of the greatest quips ever on TFK and it got no love…

“I got in at 4, completely smashed. Covered in kebab and fanny juice”


Have you tried St Johns Wort?
I got a nasty bout of reactive depression once. Real bad really. I tried St Johns wort and went to Barbados with my bro and his girlfriend where we got off our chops on the strongest weed I ever smoked, and I mean so strong that three of us couldn’t finish a joint between us three nights running and had to put the last two in the bin, but I felt better after. Not sure which it was.
I met herself then though, and never looked back (to date).

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It made me laugh. That’s all that matters

No I’ve not tried it.

The idea of fucking off and getting high is tempting though. Or even going hiking mad maybe.

Were you posting about walking the Camino before or would something like that be of any interest?

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I’d have met you in manc only I’m in Ireland.