The depression thread

Does she work?

She does. Very able…keeps changing careers- theres always someone intolerable in every situation

I like to think so but somehow I can’t seem to manage it

Wasn’t this fella was it?

You seem very adrift. Other than depression, your job and the gymn, your posts don’t seem to be associated with a place, set of ideas, hobby etc. Even your job seems to be described in terms of shifts, promotions, tasks. Do you have colleagues, or do you live far from your extended family?

I’m a far-right headbanger too, don’t forget that.

I live with my missus. I have many colleagues

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Even far right headbangers get lonely…as do people who live with missises. Is there anything to be said for taking a more involved/formal/structured tole in some sort of club, society or community…like trocaire, the gaa or the freemasons etc?

I’m curious if he (/she/they/it…etc) had any more pointers on this. Are you supposed to go down the method acting route for this role - dress up in bright clothes and post videos of you baking Christmas treats to the 'gram and the like?

Fake it, until you make it.
Which is actually a common therapeutic approach - but that’s not to say it always works.

I’m told it actually can work but I’m too much of a cynical bollix for it


It’s like a form of positive affirmation… You become what you live / will

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I’ve tried it many times before and it didn’t work. And then she got sour with me when I told her that

But have you really tried it? Like REALLY?

Yes mate. I’ve tried everything I’ve ever fucking heard of, and for decades now

That’s what the Irish have done for centuries, they drink.


Did she tell you to snap out of it?

That’s not what I’m asking you… Did you REALLY try it? Ive done exercises in therapy but if I’m honest i didn’t really do them, i just ticked the box.

It sounds to me like you need to give yourself over to the power of chanting and Buddha.

nam myoho renge kyo

Yeah. Cop on and all that

A counsellor lacking empathy needs to change career.

Maybe they thought they were becoming a councillor.