The depression thread

We specialised in the non-vanilla stuff. Kinks & fetishes. I remember then working in a place in Australia, convincing the owner that the weird stuff sells and it sat on the shelf and gathered dust. My takeaway from this is the Irish are disturbed, probably I’m guessing from generations of hardcore sexual oppression. The aussie shop sold bestiality stuff ‘under the counter’ in VHS form. This was long after the VHS was popular, but you’d still get the odd weirdo coming in buying them.

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Theres something definitely with the Irish for sure.

I think I remember you saying there were a lot of lads from Roscommon in the area you were in so it figures.

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I hadn’t realised until I Googled the phrase “non-vanilla” there, and the Big G warned me that SAFE SEARCH IS OFF, that the mainstream understanding of the phrase is essentially “kinky shit”, and not “a software solution with several bespoke aspects not strictly in adherence with the intentions of the original design.”

I’ll be adjusting my messaging accordingly.

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It’s criminal that this is monetised to the degree that it is.


They use the San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi) mostly in South America.
And the Peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) in North America.


If only we knew a lad could grow cactii.

I’ve a book on it but I never read it.
No interest in that at all…

I’m a serial killer, of cacti. Read into that what you will.

Another added benefit for TSG


Bublé you old dog


I exercise for my mind

And the cobblestone abs.


Traps are the new abs mate

Breslin knew.

They didn’t balance it with incessant rain unfortunately. Walking in the sunshine may be different.

Knew what? Are you sure it wasn’t Jeffrey who knew?

So I lost the referral letter to the Eye & Ear back in late 2022 & then forgot about it but I was back to the optician for my annual eye test in November & I got a new referral. This time for Dr Marc Guerin, an eye consultant in the Mater Private. I was in for an assessment this morning & he basically concluded:

  • Nothing can be done with my “bad” eye. Damaged beyond repair & optical nerve shattered. Laser would have no impact;

  • He could do laser on my “good” eye but under his “what would I do if it was my brother sitting here with your eye?” test, he would recommend doing absolutely nothing. He said you’d find someone to do laser on it but he wouldn’t like to out of prudence & caution as I’m reliant on one eye & there’s always a tiny risk something could go wrong in surgery. And that was that. I didn’t think at the time to say…”but what about people who get laser surgery on both eyes in the one sitting? What if that goes wrong & they end up blind in both eyes?” He said that, apart from being very short sighted in my “good” eye, it’s structurally very healthy & there’s no risk of whatever happened my other eye occurring with this one. So go forth & live my life.

I had to wear glasses for a full week ahead of the assessment. For some reason they ask you not to wear contact lenses in the lead up to it. First time I’ve worn glasses all the time for a couple of decades & very hard to get used to again, especially when out fun running. I’ll be glad to slip in a contact lens tomorrow morning.


Youl have to get a pair of these, will only add to your serious athlete credentials I’d say

download (7)