The depression thread

I was genuinely unaware of your eye troubles until recently. Makes your Astro goalkeeping career all the more astonishing. Up there with that guy who won the FA Cup with a broken neck.


I struggle to visualise ,bandage as a German paratrooper


In many respects, not being able to see the ball wasn’t really a disadvantage at that level.

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Not been out of bed since Sunday. We go again


I’ve been there. And it’s alright. It is what it is. Take it day by day my friend.


Much like concerned citizen @briantinnion , I was not aware of this. To what extent is your “bad” eye, “bad”? Complete blindness?
(I’m obviously interested in any fellow travellers here).

It’s intent on World domination and will stop at nothing to achieve it


One leg in front of the other Bati. Stick at it

The bastard!

Ah thats a smashing dad joke.

PinkEye & The Brain

It’s pretty bad. It’s just a blur. I have peripheral vision but the retinal scarring fucked everything else.

My doctor prescribed me medication I’ve already been on for two years. Maybe it’ll magically work now?

The councillor I’ve been assigned told me I need to search for what’s triggering everything. Then I told him more or less everyone in my family has, or has had, mental health problems so he then told me to scratch that advice. I’m awaiting further advice


Are you still stuck in night mode after the job? If so do you find yourself still sleeping all day? Or maybe you are a natural night owl?

Would you try microdosing psychedelics?

Sometimes I think people just have to wait it out.
My only recommendation would be to force yourself to do the couch to 5k. Just look at the programme and it’ll be a first step.


Did you read the undefeated mind yet?

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Mental health ‘professionals’ can really be clueless when it comes to depression. The main reason being that they apply logic when depression is not a logical situation.

I’ve had a tough enough week mood wise. It’s probably due to tiredness around having a six month old baby. I try to not put up opposition to the thoughts and feelings - I mean they are there anyway so instead of shirking in their presence, open yourself up to them. Bloody tough. And it can also bring about other scary thoughts. But that shit inside you needs to get out I think and opposing their undeniable existence doesn’t help in my opinion.


Congrats bro :clap::clap::clap:

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Omega 3 really helped by dad who suffered from it.

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