The Diarrhea thread

signing in unfortunately, log your experiences here, have an awful stomach bug, i feel like i am wasting away by shiteing my insides out, i’m afraid to stand on the weighing scales

I’m literally wasting away here.

I look and feel like a concentration camp inmate, I have to the go into the jacks every time I fart

That shit can end up anywhere

There’s an aul bug going alright

Try eating solids.

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1111602, member: 1170”]Try eating solids.[/QUOTE]i wish

Get the trots frequently due to IBS: i eat the wrong thing and its a kick in the balls type of sensation in the stomach and a race to the gary glitter

Once I used to eat dried Habeneros for the laugh. Last night I ate a sweet n sour from the local chinese and today the whole of my rectum is on fire. There wasn’t even a bit of chile in sight. The sauce must of had chile in it. My hole burns any time I go to the jacks.

@Tassotti please change the spelling in the thread title to the English rather than the American spelling, diarrhoea buddy.

the curse a jaysus on it, I was reading a book on mediation there, and tentatively tried to squeeze out a gentle fart only to scutter myself again, this is driving me APE!

The gastro pub?

seem to be all clear now lads, thank God

Unrrhoeal, unbelievable

nasty bug going lads, be careful out there

Was it caused by your dodgy meal in Wetherspoons by any chance?

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 1111799, member: 109”]Was it caused by your dodgy meal in Wetherspoons by any chance?[/QUOTE]I wasn’t in Wetherspoons mate, what gives you that impression? in any case they have the highest standards when it comes to food preparation, award wining, then again food hygiene would not be top of your agenda I’d wager

You mentioned eating in an award winning gastro pub so I assumed it was a Wetherspoons of some sort as that’s the tagline for most of their soulless UK pubs.

Not diarrhea but I ate an amountvof fruit and veg yesterday. The farts coming out of me were obscene