The Dodger is in trouble

I think Locke was just generally saying you’re an idiot Kev, nothing necessarily to do with your views on DJ.

We have all been very lucky to have been around to see DJ play in the flesh. Be thankful.

Thanks Fitzy but its just on this issue.

Fair enough Locke.

Kev, you’re an idiot (and not just on this issue)

why? Cos i have found that not all aboriginals are lovely people trodden on by the white man. Or is it that i have pointed out a few negative experiences from your adopted country?

Locke - He was an extremely skillful hurler, but i don’t think he’s a great like many say he is.

Is it just the hurlers or is the whole county of Kilkenny that fucking ugly ?? They all look inbred …

thought eddie brennan was a welcome edition to RTE, fresh views and articulate chap…

Do you really think this or are you just towing the Cork line on DJ?

Mainly the hurlers. I myself am a devilishly handsome man.

And modest to boot, you auld heart breaker you

I know mate. We modest, handsome geniuses are too few in this crazy modern world.

Well i would have really seen weaknesses from seeing him against Cork, so if thats what you mean then yes, but its not cos i’m from Cork or he is from KK. Its because i think he’s over rated. People automatically seem to think i’m suggesting being over rated means i don’t rate him at all, which is not the case.

But ‘not a great’?
5 AI’s, 9 All-stars (one or two soft ones, but show me a multiple all star winner who everyone agrees deserved every one of them), one of the top scorers of all time, arguably the greatest goalscorer of all time, definitely the scorer of the most great goals.
Also, when people say that Carey was overrated, they forget that when he was in his prime years (between 94 and 99), he was carrying a very average Kilkenny set up and had to deal with serious attention (dirt) being dished out to him.

You’re entitled to your opinion Kev but I’d say your list of greats is terribly short and your criteria for greatness is overly prohibitive.

Now PH, this is defintely something i dont want to do (agree with Kev), I think he was a great player,but he didnt make the team of the millinium…which would kinda lend itself to kevs argument that its not a clear cut call.

An just to remove any KK bias you may throw, I think Shefflin is the greatest forward I have ever seen, and Tommy Walsh is the most versatile player i have ever seen, and best wing back. And i would have Frank Cummins in any great MF discussion. These are the KK players i have seen in the flesh

Jaysus you’re as demanding as Kev. There must be an awful lot of hurlers who were regarded as great who were really overrated before the turn of the century.

ok, we’re probably all in agreement then…he just falls short of the very top

Ah no. No, I wouldn’t say we’re all in agreement.

i like happy endings

Fuck you Kid.
DJ is God.
Appeasement be damned.

anyway, I hope he gets well

Now that we can agree on.