The Dodger is in trouble

I thought twas a bit unnnecessary to bring the Faughs into it Shannonsider!

The jealousy of the Princes of Tymon North[sup]TM[/sup] on this forum is never far from the surface, kerry1891.


Sylvie has a book out for christmas.

True Grit.

True Story.

When will that be launched??

launching in mid nov as far as i know. photo opp slr?

All these books are being launched later and later. There has been very little talk about GAA books this year.

Obvious opening for your upcoming tome on dj’s missing millions

Launched last night.

With Quinn locked up today, it can’t be long for the likes of DJ now.

maybe he’ll be lucky enough to have an uncle in the gardai

Let’s hope if he does that he has a hip flask.

SLR, why have you only used 2 question marks at the end of the above question rather than your, by now, customary and rather girly, 3 question marks?

True Blood.

They should be a biography of the man who carried the spare hurls at matches in the 80’s and early 90’s, primarily about his eternal struggle to keep Sylvie and co. supplied with more timber :lol:

true tinker

[quote=“fucked out, post: 562219”]

true tinker[/quote]

go and fuck.

:guns: :lol: :guns:

This character was ‘loosely’ based on Sylvie Linnane. True story

woeful stuff by the muldoons on here