The Dodger is in trouble

sure clare rolled over and took it up the hole when KK upped the ante in the gerry quinn affair, what would you expect

they should have stood their ground that time quinn was treated disgracefully but they hid, because it was KK

its hard to know but the same KC took a nasty swipe at me a few months ago as well when he was having a go at young Paudie O’Sullivan being a dirty player after the heartbreak he had suffered, anyway there was a big whingfest against Cork on his behalf with the usual inferiority complex stuff you get from people from the west of ireland so i merely reminded him of the incident where Jerry Quinn tried to blind a KK player in 2004 as a real example of filth on a hurling pitch, he of course steadfastly dismissed this as mere high jinx so it is indeed intresting now to see his about face and jumping to the defense of someone from kilkenny , maybe its guilt or something as to why he is launching into this defense now after he had a good laugh at the last time a KK player was in a hospital …

In fairness to him tho this is a decent performance he is putting up here if he is wumming , some of the lads who frequent the horse thread are having a torrid time of it lately and then venting at others with personal attacks, i dont know is it because they are loosing their bollux on a weekly basis or what, but some of the stuff directed at people like me, sid and CM from these equine lovers is quite bizarre and downright unecessary.
there must have been drink involved here on KC’s behalf id say, he is a typical keyboard warrior at the best of times anyway but this is out of line, hopefully he will take some time to think about his actions and calm the fuck down a bit, a PM or 2 from an admin wouldnt go astry either

BTQ- Carey’s test in women is as shocking as his business acumen, that’s what his legacy will be at the end of the day



Classic internetting , the main protagonist wasn’t long slithering away. I strongly suspect Sidney cried himself to sleep

you really slapped a few posters into line here mate…

Trimble esque, it was better live, swatting them away like flies

How did it make you feel to insult and threaten anonymous people on an internet forum in defense of a notorious charlatan?


Are we continuing with my psycho analysis or was that it ? Am I ok ? Mickee ?

Wow. It seems Kid Chocolate was up internetting until 5:30 this morning. I’d say he woke up with an “oh no” feeling. I’m probably giving him too much credit there though.

I wasn’t Sidney , how did you manage to come to that conclusion ?Dry up the eyes and move on

“Psychoanalysis” is generally written as one word, like I’ve just done. I’m glad you’ve shown enough self-awareness to write it as “psycho analysis”, because it’s quite appropriate in your case.

Wow ! thanks sid


What an utter clown. Up all night getting worked up over the rights and wrongs of the actions of an ex Kilkenny hurler. They don’t come anymore simple than this Kid Chocolate.

This is the shite I was preaching about on the girls thread. All men should have a significant other in their life, for fear of turning into type of mutant on display here.

Have things calmed down in here today?:slight_smile:

What the fuck went on here then?

It was like Sylvie Linnane in a Tipperary Crystal factory shop, KP.

I swept all before me