The Electric Vehicle Thread

How much is a Tesla now?

45k for a model y I was just told

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A Model 3 is just a whisper under €50k. You’d want your head examined etc……

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Paying even half that is a sectioned jobbie

Prob down here is bloody initial price

Lads with the EV’s charged up by massive coal burning power plants thinking they are saving the planet :joy:

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The raw materials to build an EV shipped from all over the world for assembly to some factory in China with 20 smoke stacks


better not mention the cobalt either, mined by children in Congo

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There’ll be a Blood Diamond style movie produced from it yet

the responses to this reasonable & positive tweet

A fast charger on the motorway every 60km would be a game changer.

has Klaus got to you mate?

No I like driving. This would make an electric car a realistic alternative and allow people to see it as such without the need for Eamon to tax me into oblivion

Like a petrol station ?

How fast will it be when there is a queue to use it ?

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Is this just a statement or is the information on installing in sports clubs available yet? I assume it will be in line with the energy retrofit grants?

Mate what do I get for the club for installing one them yokes?

A huge electricity bill.

I stopped in Birdhill recently to meet someone, 3 very glum looking Tesla drivers sitting in their cars at the charging points. Came back out 30 minutes later and two of them still sitting there.